Show off your picture-elements uses

i tried to do this, it’s still same
i attached image from my yaml file template
Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 19.21.23

Example that works for me

  - entity: switch.lds_zb_onoffplug_d0005_c4a841fe_on_off
      '--mdc-icon-size': 50px
      background-color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
      border-radius: 50%
      height: 60px
      left: 10%
      padding: 10px 0 0 10px
      top: 40px
      width: 60px
      z-index: 2
      action: toggle
    type: state-icon

great !
it’s work !
thanks a lot !

Hi, i have a state-icon in picture element card of my cellular battery sensor. It’s possible to change the color of icon based on battery level?
This is my config:

- type: picture-elements
  image: /local/picture/xxxxxx.png
    .: |
     ha-card {
       background-color: transparent; border: none; box-shadow: none;
    - type: state-label
      entity: person.zzzz
        color: white
        top: 95%
        left: 50%
    - type: state-icon
        entity: sensor.redmi_note_5_battery_level
        title: Batteria Residua
          top: 10%
          left: 11%
          --iron-icon-height: 20px
          --iron-icon-width: 20px


You could use custom UI with templates to set colour depending on state

This will need some manual changes to one of the js files after install to make it work with colour since 0.110 as it has not been updated yet. See:

You can also use this for giving colors to icons:

'--paper-item-icon-color': red

I use this together with conditions to have several colors. But my conditions are mostly text based or binary, so it’s easy. For percentage I don’t think this will work if you don’t want to have conditons for each single percent.

But I also have a problem:

I updated to HA 0.110.2 yesterday and observed, that this command doesn’t size my icons anymore:

'--iron-icon-height': 20px

Does somebody have observed it as well and has a solution yet? It’s not that urgent and because the iron-icon commands are not officially documentated, I don’t think I have to open an issue for this.

Edit: I found a workaround in this post: Help: Want to change Lovelace picture element icon size

After some tryouts, I think this will work fine for me. The default icon size is 25px and if I want to have 20px, this are 80 percent. Without using “translate” I would also have to change the x,y percentage for placig the icon. With 50,50 it can remain as it was:

transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0.8, 0.8)'

Change --iron-icon-height’: 20px with: --mdc-icon-size: 20px

Thanks! This is also working as well as using the transform as mentioned in my post, but is a little bit easier in use.

Hey all,

I’m using it as a card for controlling media devices, but when i use it on another device, with a different resolution it doesn’t always resize correctly. Is there a possiblity to change the size of image based on what device resolution is used? Here’s what I’m trying to explain:


and the relevant code:

  - title: Media
    path: media
    panel: true
    badges: []
      - elements:

          - conditions:
              - entity: media_player.emby_living_room_tv
                state_not: playing
              - entity: media_player.emby_living_room_tv
                state_not: paused
              - artwork: full-cover
                entity: media_player.spotify_mart
                  power: true
                  progress: false
                  runtime: false
                  source: true
                  volume: true
                  controls: false
                style: |
                  :host {
                    left: 25% !important;
                    top: 35.9% !important;
                    width: 42% !important;
                    height: 62.3% !important;
                    border-radius: 1vw !important;
                    overflow: hidden !important;
                    height: 100%; 
                  :host #primaryProgress{
                    background: #474A52 !important; 
                type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
            type: conditional            

          - conditions:
              - entity: media_player.emby_living_room_tv
                state_not: playing
              - entity: media_player.emby_living_room_tv
                state_not: paused
              - style:
                  left: 75%
                  top: 35.8%
                  width: 42%
                  height: 62.3%
                type:  'custom:spotify-card'
                limit: 10
                client_id: !secret spotify_clientid
            type: conditional

        image: /local/background.jpg
        style: |
          ha-card {
            background-color: var(--primary-background-color);
        type: picture-elements

Thanks! is there also a new value to use for --iron-icon-fill-color: “#DC071D” does also not seem to work anymore :frowning:

Workaround, you could use a conditional card that switches the settings based on the device.

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Sorry, scratch that, you’d need to step up the juice from conditional card to state switch card to do it. I use it similarly, it works well:

Thaks, do you maybe have an example?

See github repo linked in my profile.


I need help with that card.

I need when I click on the main picture it goes to a specific URL,

But in the picture-element I’m not getting

Captura de Tela 2020-06-04 às 16.44.37

image: \local\office.jpeg
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: office
  - type: state-label
      color: white
      top: 96%
      left: 88%
      font-weight: bold
    entity: sensor.temperature_158d0004445
  - type: state-icon
      color: white
      top: 95%
      left: 96%
    entity: sensor.temperature_158d0004445
  - type: state-icon
      color: white
      top: 84%
      left: 96%
    entity: light.escritorio
  - type: state-icon
      color: white
      top: 72%
      left: 96%
    icon: 'mdi:air-conditioner'
    entity: climate.office_ac
type: picture-elements

That color wheel :heart_eyes:

How can I integrate honeycomb menu in a picture element card?

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@sian it looks great, congratulations!
How do you get that coloured circle around the icons !?

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Looks great! :star_struck:
What app did you use to model the floorplan?
Are you using images/icons on some places (like those 2 in the garage) ?
… and by the way, does the “persons” show up on the rooms when there’s movement in there, or is it part of the floorplan image? I see some rooms with people, and some empty :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, the people appear if there is movement in the room.

The circular images in the garage and other places are cameras.

I asked my wife making the plan using