Show only lights-on in default view

Hi Experts!

I just want to see on HA default (or other) view only lights are lit (switched-on).
Is it possible to config somehow in group configuration to achieve this feature?
I would welcome all the suggestions!

With Lovelace, you can set a filter:

    # The filter card will filter entities for their state
  - type: entity-filter
      - entity: device_tracker.a
        icon: mdi:server-network
      - entity: device_tracker.b
        icon: mdi:desktop-classic
        name: B
      - entity: device_tracker.C
        icon: mdi:desktop-classic
        name: C
      - entity: device_tracker.D
        icon: mdi:youtube
        name: D
      - entity: device_tracker.E
        icon: mdi:laptop-mac
        name: E
      - entity: device_tracker.F
        icon: mdi:desktop-classic
        name: F
      - entity: device_tracker.G
        icon: mdi:laptop-windows
        name: G
      - entity: device_tracker.H
        icon: mdi:cellphone-android
        name: H
      - entity: device_tracker.J
      - 'home'
      type: glance

Thank you! But I’m actually not using lovelace UI.
I plan to use it.

As stated Lovelace is the answer

Ok! Understand. Than’s!