Show Sensor Data in Place of State on Glance Card

I have a Sonoff basic running Tasmota to control an exterior light. Inside that Sonoff I have a temperature sensor. The light is configured as an MQTT light and the temperature sensor is an MQTT sensor.

I currently have a glance card set up with the light in it, the tap action is set to toggle the light.

What I would like is instead of the state of the light being shown underneath the icon (On/Off), the temperature from my sensor could be shown (38°C). The tap action would remain the same, to toggle the light.

Does anyone have any ideas for how I could achieve this? I’m getting the sense that I may have to develop a custom card…

I am at work now, but I can post my configuration and screenshots of my frontend when I get home.


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look for the 100% Templatable thread… card here