Show skipped and prior updates

In Configuration -> system -> updates, show skipped updates and previous versions if one needs to revert to an older version.

You can show skipped updates. Open the 3 dot menu in the top right and select “show skipped updates”.

This isn’t an option. HA intentionally provides no way to revert to a previous version as updates may modify db schema, history and config in ways that will no longer work in prior versions and simply installing the old version won’t fix that. This is why it defaults “take a backup” to true whenever possible as restoring a backup is the only safe way to revert to a prior version.

Thanks. I have to learn to look at the three-dots menu overflow before asking for anything.

yes, too much good stuff seems hidden there. No good UX.

I still have the bruises for not looking at Breaking Changes before updating. I learn. Just slowly sometimes.