Show Youtube Stream in HA Lovelace


seems to be a simple task?
But can not find a way.
Perfectly if it will be as a Camera and can be used in picture-glance card.

Someone knows?

If you are looking for showing any youtube on your lovelace, you dont need to create a camera or picture-glance card, you can do this with iframe card like below.

type: iframe
url: ''
aspect_ratio: 75%

But here the main thing is the url. For getting your video url, you just have to change the video_id of the above url which is k_1Le5ZnHvg. You can get the video id of any youtube video from the youtube page url. for example the youtube page url for this video is . The last part of the url is the video id.

Also if you want the video to be muted and auto playing, change the url like this.

Hope this works out. If you are still particular about a camera entity and showing the video in picture-glance, do let know


I would like to show it in picture-glance card.

Thank you. This was exactly what I was looking for.


I have been trying to figure out how to do this exact thing for a while and just stumbled across this thread. Thank you!!!

Any chance there is a way to do this with a YouTube TV channel?

I use an YouTube live Channel Stream With iframe Card. Works Till about 20min fine when i watch the Channel. But Than the Stream Stop and the Lovelace reload. Any Idea why?
In Log i See No Problem. Also my Hardware for HAS is very good because i use an PC With octa Cote, 8GB RAM, SSD…


I’ve tried this, but the video doesn’t automatically start when I open the dashboard with the embedded video. I’ve used exactly your link. I’ve also tried another video.

Worked for me. Thanks

This worked for me too. Bulding on this, is there any way to stop the title, youtube logo and player controls appearing when the page initially loads. They do go away when the video begins to autoplay, but I don’t want them to show when it’s loading.