Shower humidity automation

I want to turn my ventilation on when the humidity in the bathroom reaches a certain value.
For now I have this, but it doesn’t trigger.
Can someone help me out?

- id: '11'
  alias: Douche ventillatie
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.humidity_158d00036b666c
    above: 72
  - data:
      entity_id: light.ventillatie_badkamer
    service: light.turn_on
- id: '12'
  alias: Douche ventillatie uit
  - below: 71
    entity_id: sensor.humidity_158d00036b666c
    platform: numeric_state
  - data:
      entity_id: light.ventillatie_badkamer
    service: light.turn_off

I can’t see anything wrong with your automations. Did the relative humidity get above 72?

Hi Tom,

Thanks for your answer, I figured out that in the automatisation the above 72 was between brackets.
It works now :slight_smile: !