Showing future electricity pricing timeseries in a chart in lovelace (or any other timeseries, like forecasts)

Want to show your dynamic pricing from Tibber in your lovelace, but annoyed by the lack of documentation on how to set it up? Continue reading to get the card as below!



We will use the tibber.get_prices response data to fill an attribute of templated sensor, which we in turn will use to fill an apex chart on lovelace.


This method works generally with other timeseries, but in that case you have to take care of saving the timeseries to a state attribute yourself.

Step by step instructions

Checking the Tibber action

  • From developer tools, run tibber.get_prices and check if you get a proper response. Note down the name of the adres you are interested in, e.g. Amstel 1A. If this does not work, check your Tibber integration.

Templating the sensor

  • In your configuration.yaml, add the following (adjust Amstel 1 A to your address):
  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: "/1"
      - service: tibber.get_prices
        response_variable: price_data
      - name: "Energy prices hourly"
        state: "{{states('sensor.electricity_price_Amstel_1_A')}}" # optional, can also be set to 0
          prices: >
            {% set list_of_dicts = price_data['prices']['Amstel 1 A'] %}
            {{ list_of_dicts | map(attribute='price') | list | tojson }}
          datetimes: >
            {% set list_of_dicts = price_data['prices']['Amstel 1 A'] %}
            {% set start_times = list_of_dicts | map(attribute='start_time') | list %}
            {{ start_times | map('as_timestamp') | map('timestamp_custom', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') | list | tojson }}
          levels: >
            {% set list_of_dicts = price_data['prices']['Amstel 1 A'] %}
            {{ list_of_dicts | map(attribute='level') | list | tojson }} 
  • And then reload you TEMPLATE ENTITIES in the Developer tools
  • Check if the state attributes are shown as lists in the developer tools, example below:

Making the card

  • In lovelace, add an apexcharts card
  • In the card config, add the following:
type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 24h
update_interval: 15m
  start: day
  show: true
  label: Nu
  color: gray
  title: Electriciteitskosten
  standard_format: true
  loading: true
  - decimals: 2
      tickAmount: 4
  - entity: sensor.energy_prices_hourly
    stroke_width: 3
    name: Electriciteitsprijs
    color: '#00A1FF'
    curve: stepline
    float_precision: 2
    unit: €
    data_generator: >
      // Extract datetime and prices attributes from the entity

      const datetimes = entity.attributes.datetimes; // This is the list of
      datetime strings

      const prices = entity.attributes.prices; // This is the list of price

      // Combine datetime and prices into a series of [timestamp, price] pairs

      return, index) => {
        return [new Date(dt).getTime(), parseFloat(prices[index])];
      in_header: true
      legend_value: true
      extremas: true

  • That’s it, you now should have the card as in the image:


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Hi, this works fine for me to get the price of the actual hour. When in developer mode i can specify to get the future prices (1 day upfront). But how can i put this future prices in a sensor to use? So i can choose when to load my home battery or sell electricity?


Status of the arttibute stays unknown. Do you have any idea? Could this be caused due to the fact that i made a typo in the address in the configuration.yaml file the first time?



the best I can think of is using one or several sensors either calculating the min or median values of some timeframes or a binary_sensor in case you don’t need a flexible value for decision making. I’ve created a “min of the next 5 hours”-sensor in my post based on an timebased attribute list which I use in my automation to start my washing machine.