Showing geo tracking on maps

Hi all,

Hopefully this isn’t a duplicate of an existing issue.

I have the Android companion app and it is sending geo data to my home assistant instance.

My map card settings are as follows:

type: map
  - entity: sensor.hillmob_geocoded_location
  - entity: zone.home
  - entity: device_tracker.hillmob
default_zoom: 15
hours_to_show: 48
dark_mode: false

Tracking is not appearing on the map. What could I be doing wrong?


  1. What is your map card like, then?
  2. What are the attributes under sensor.hillmob_geocoded_location and under device_tracker.hillmob

I’m guessing the sensor.hillmob_geocoded_location is not map-ready, since it does not have GPS coordination (latitude/longitude) in its attributes.

is your device tracker updating its state properly? if not check these steps: Troubleshooting | Home Assistant Companion Docs

Thanks @k8gg and @dshokouhi

I did check and recheck the trouble shooting page before I posted (not that I said that :slight_smile: )

The crash logs have these lines, but since I haven’t been away from that location I’m not sure if it’s being updated. I assume they are as the history I shared (image) shows multiple locations.

03-07 15:50:49.639 23246 23246 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Last Location: 
03-07 15:50:49.639 23246 23246 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Coords:(-37.6981012, 176.286271)
03-07 15:50:49.639 23246 23246 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Accuracy: 20.0
03-07 15:50:49.639 23246 23246 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Bearing: 0.0
03-07 15:50:49.641 23246 23246 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Begin evaluating if location update should be skipped
03-07 15:50:49.641 23246 23246 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Received location that is 53 milliseconds old, 1646621449588 compared to 1646621449641 with source fused
03-07 15:50:49.641 23246 23246 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Duplicate location received, not sending to HA

The sensor.hillmob_geocoded_location displays data as follows:

Administrative Area: Bay of Plenty
Country: New Zealand
ISO Country Code: NZ
Latitude: -37.698116
Locality: Papamoa
Longitude: 176.28621
Postal Code: '3118'
Sub Administrative Area: 'null'
Sub Locality: Papamoa Beach
Sub Thoroughfare: '564'
Thoroughfare: Papamoa Beach Road
icon: mdi:map
friendly_name: hillmob Geocoded Location

Oh…just saw this post Lovelace map card not displaying geocoded entities - #10 by petro, is that the solution? Not sure why I can’t use the sensor as is…

Any other thoughts?



The latest beta version of the Android app fixes this issue and the sensor should work as expected in the map card

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Many thanks @dshokouhi. I’m on the beta version…and there is an update available so will go and test!

[UPDATE: Issue is resolved. Thank you @dshokouhi]