Shutter stop+close or stop+open

I have all of my shutters flashed with Tasmota. Tasmota has a command for shutter stop-open and stop-close which means if it’s in motion it will stop and if not, it will either open or close. This means you can nudge shutters up and down with two buttons not three.

Does anyone know how to replicate this in Node-Red? I only have open or close from HA and each will continue even if pressed again halfway.

NodeRed just use HA service calls (unless you have installed special palette for tasmota, if that even exist), so if you can make the service call in HA to stop+open or stop+close, then you can reuse them in NodeRed.
Check the service tap in the HA developer tools.

If that is not available, then you at least need a stop command in HA to be able to replicate something similar.

Thanks, there isn’t the equivalent I could find in HA, but Tasmota has been updated and mqtt commands for shutter close/open now work again, so I’ll use those in NR.