Shuttercontrol is an adapter for the automatic control of roller shutters and awnings

Hello, is there such a thing as Shuttercontrol is an adapter for the automatic control of roller shutters and awnings (ioBroker.shuttercontrol/ at a36ac338d7e9ffbacac46581205ee77e7cfb2179 · simatec/ioBroker.shuttercontrol · GitHub) for Homeassistant?

Not aware of shuttercontrol.

But for several window-cover and sunscreens motors with 3 or 5 wires i have successfully used ESPHome on a 2-relay Sonoff TX wall switch.

It allows to get/set to a percentage or close/open. There is even multiple buttons so it just works when wifi is down, and has a LED that you can use to show some state.
