SIA integration (ajax alarm) questions

So, I’m trying to get my ajax alarm to show up properly in Home Assistant. I’ve configured the SIA integration, added the necessary parameters in Ajax Hub under monitoring station:

  • IP: HA
  • Port: 12312 (not in use)
  • Alarms are sent over ethernet
  • Periodic test: 1 minute
  • Connect on demand: enabled
  • Object Number: AAA
  • No encryption (for now)

In HA I set:

  • Port: 12312
  • Protocol: TCP
  • Account ID: AAA
  • No encryption
  • Ping interval: 1 min
  • Number of zones: 1

After this I have 6 devices and 5 entities in SIA.

  • AAA (device + 5 entities)
  • AAA - power (device + entity)
  • AAA - connectivity (device + entity)
  • AAA - zone 1 - alarm (device + entity)
  • AAA - zone 1 - moisture (device + entity)
  • AAA - zone 1 - smoke (device + entity)

For power, connectivity and alarm I get intermittent results. Very often they go to ‘unavailable’.
For all others I only get an unknown. The status never changes.

Running HA 2023.5.2

Is there a way to get this info? Is there a way to get the other info that Ajax has (temperatures, door sensors, states of all the individual components, …) into HA? Or is this just not possible until we get a full API integration?

Another one: what is this number of zones? The amount of rooms I defined in Ajax?

I have the same problem AFTER update to 2023.5.1 and 2023.5.2.

This worked for me for more than 6 months and now I have all automations that interact with AJAX alarm broken… can’t find any information about this :frowning:

Edit: After lot of tries I found a way to make it work.

1 - If you have scenarios/groups in AJAX app, disable it.
2 - Configure it as you described in the post, ** with demand as disabled**

After doing this, started to work on my side, after that, I enabled the scenarios/groups again and stills working.

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Thanks. I’ll try that. Did you change anything wrt the ping interval?

nothing for that

Number of zones is depending on your local configuration (In Ajax app the option “Groups” to create multiple zones. When groups are not activated, then the default zone is Zone 1.

Status signal should be (near) real time when using the SIA plugin. When you watch the Developers option, do you see any changes or additional options? See example: image

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I have a same problem with SIA Ajax disconnected. Every time.

I disabled on demand, and since then it’s rock solid.

Has anyone got the SIA integration to work with any other than Ajax? I have a Dahua alarm system that supports SIA-DC09 but not get any joy getting it to work with this integration. Any tips on troubleshooting?

Here are some screenshots

Ahh, having issues with the SIA integration with my Ajax system. It states “unavailable” in HA, while it is connected in the Ajax app… I’ve tried re-installing the integration - but no luck. I’m running 2023.10.1, no encryption in Ajax… Any good ideas on how to resolve?

Exactly the same here, have you found a solution?

I did get it up and running again - but to be honest, not sure exactly what solved it. I did remove and and the integration - but initially this did not solve the issue. But all of the sudden things worked again…

I have the same problem, there is no way to make the control panel communicate with SIA

I want to share this with you in case it helps. I have an Ajax alarm, and as you know, it cannot be integrated with Home Assistant. However, I listen to SIA events through the Node-RED integration. This way, I can create these automations. My code is in Spanish:

alias: Alerta activación de Ajax
description: Alexa activación alerta de intrusos
  - platform: event
    event_type: sia_event_8235_XXXXXXX
      code: CG
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: time
            after: "21:30:00"
            before: "08:00:00"
          - service: media_player.volume_set
              device_id: 8d3240f69ec5b4152dff22a754XXXXXX
              volume_level: 0.4
          - service: notify.alexa_media_echo_de_XXXXXX
              message: ¡Alarma conectada! Tu hogar está protegido.
          - delay: "00:00:04"
      - conditions:
          - condition: time
            after: "08:00:00"
            before: "21:30:00"
          - service: media_player.volume_set
              device_id: 8d3240f69ec5b4152dff22a754XXXXXX
              volume_level: 1
          - service: notify.alexa_media_echo_de_XXXXXX
              message: ¡Alarma conectada! Tu hogar está protegido.
          - delay: "00:00:04"
          - service: media_player.volume_set
              device_id: 8d3240f69ec5b4152dff22a754XXXXXX
              volume_level: 0.6
mode: restart

alias: Alerta de intrusos
description: Alexa alerta de intrusos
  - platform: event
    event_type: sia_event_8235_XXXXXXX
      code: BA
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.alert_change
    state: "off"
  - service: media_player.volume_set
      device_id: 8d3240f69ec5b4152dff22a754XXXXXX
      volume_level: 1
  - service: notify.alexa_media_echo_de_XXXXXX
      message: ¡Atención! Hay intrusos en la vivienda. ¡Llamaré a la policía!
  - delay: "00:00:06"
  - service: input_boolean.turn_on
    entity_id: input_boolean.alert_change
  - service: media_player.volume_set
      device_id: 8d3240f69ec5b4152dff22a754XXXXXX
      volume_level: 0.6
mode: restart

alias: Alerta Desactivar Ajax
description: Resetear el cambio de alerta después de desactivar la alerta
  - platform: event
    event_type: sia_event_8235_XXXXXXX
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ in ['HA', 'OP', 'OG'] }}"
  - delay: "00:00:05"
  - service: notify.alexa_media_echo_de_XXXXXX
      message: La alerta de intrusos ha sido desactivada.
  - delay: "00:00:04"
  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    entity_id: input_boolean.alert_change
mode: restart
alias: Encender Luz con la Desactivación de Ajax tras atardecer
description: Enciende la luz cuando desactivas la alarma si ha atardecido
  - platform: event
    event_type: sia_event_8235_XXXXXXX
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ in ['HA', 'OP', 'OG'] }}"
  - condition: sun
    after: sunset
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.entrada
    data: {}
mode: restart

I hope it helps you.


After last Ajax firmware update discovered lost connection to HA monitoring station:

  • Changed setting: Security companies → Monitoring station → Connect on demand → OFF (yes, the monitoring station setting has moved a bit)
  • Reboted HA

Connection restored. Maybe would help if someone meet the same problem.

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i have a ajax alarm. After setup, i find only “myport - myid - zone 1 alarm” and power and connetivity. But i don’t understand how can use sia code for read door sensor and other entity. can i deceive a standard setup file??

From the last Ajax firmware update or ha update, the sia connection is unstable.
Even if Connect on demand → OFF, it is connected but not give right state of alarm…

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After the latest Firmware update of the Ajax hub/app, the communication with HomeAssistant-SIA is no longer operative.

I wrote Ajax and they checked remotely my alarm system.
Ajax say that is a hub firmware bug (2.19.0), that will be correct on 9/3/2024 with new release.

I can’t see the Ajax status on home assistant, has anyone managed to solve this? Thank you

Hi to all,
I am new to Home Assistant and im trying to understand what i need to do to setup my Ajax system.
My ajax app seems to have Ajax Translator setup for the security company that monitors my alarm. Is there any way to setup SIA integration while having Ajax translator setup in the app? Did anyone come across this? Thanks a lot for your feedback!