Sidebar Card - Error in display


I´m installing the sidebar card and configured it, but if I disable the header within my smart home dashboard the sidebar will be not shown to the top.

Does anybody know where the problem can be?


Thanks a lot in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

What do you mean with „panel = true“?!

title: SIDEBAR
digitalClock: true
date: true
dateFormat: DD MMMM YYYY
style: |
.digitalClock {
text-align: center;
padding-bottom: 1px;
padding-top: 20px
font-size: 205px;
line-height: 95px;
.date {
text-align: center;
mobile: 0
tablet: 23
desktop: 23
- action: navigate
navigation_path: http://IP:8123/dashboard-demo/home
name: Home
active: true
icon: mdi:home
- action: navigate
navigation_path: http://IP:8123/dashboard-demo/weather
name: Wetter
active: true
icon: mdi:weather-partly-cloudy

I have found the issue … above from the sidebar I have a FullKiosk Mode configuration:

- users:
- smarthome
hide_sidebar: true
hide_header: true

Here I have “hide_header” enabled and with this function the issue occurs.
If I delete this line and I use within the sidebar configuration “hideTopMenu: true” I do not have the issue and the sidebar is up to the top … BUT then I have the problem that I cant customize my Dashboard anymore and I cant open the RAW Editor, because the top bar isnt available.

With the option “hide_header” within the kiosk_mode configuration I had the option to customize my dashboard with the admin accounts and only with my “smarthome” user (user for my amazon fire tablet) the sidebar and the header was removed.
“hideTopMenu” does not work within the kiosk mode configuration :frowning:

How can I change my dashboard when “hideTopMenu” is within the sidebar configuration set to true?

title: SIDEBAR
hideTopMenu: true
digitalClock: true
date: true
dateFormat: DD MMMM YYYY
style: |

BR, Markus

I have the same problem, really anoying because it used to work perfect

is there something like,

- users:
- Dashboard

for the sidebar-card settings

I’m fine with not being able to edit my dashboard on my wallpanell