Siemens logo mqtt temperature sensor configuration

hello I tried, also following the instructions of some posts, to configure a sensor that reads the temperature of an analog signal provided by the Logo via mqtt.
Unfortunately I can’t read anything even if I can read the data provided by the Logo via mqtt explorer.
Here the topic from mqtt explorer:

Logo_pub = {"state":{"reported":{"AI1":{"desc":"AM-word-1-1","value":[296]},"$logotime":1735591142}}}

Here my configuration yaml

    - name: "Temperatura AQ"
      state_topic: "temperatura acquario"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      value_template: "{{ value_json['state']['reported']['AI1']['value'][0] }}"

When I put the value template on template editor this is the result

Maybe I lost some instruction?
Can anyone give me some instructions?