Siemens Logo TCP modbus communication

I’m using following Modbus communication for reading some coils on my Siemens Logo.
It is working like this, but sometimes it doesn’t.
Then it is like there is no connection alive.
When I then just reload my configuration.yaml, everything is running again.
So what would be the problem of this?
I can’t figure it out, because I have also a modbus connection with my SMA sunnyboy, and my Victron energy, and these 2 stays alive.

 - name: 'logo'
#   close_comm_on_error: true
   type: tcp
   host:      # ip nummer logo
   port: 502
   delay: 5
   timeout: 5
      - name: "Logo Q1"
        slave: 1
        address: 8192
        input_type: coil
        scan_interval: 300
      - name: "Logo Q2"
        slave: 1
        address: 8193
        input_type: coil
      - name: "Logo Q3"
        slave: 1
        address: 8194
        input_type: coil
      - name: "Logo Q4"
        slave: 1
        address: 8195
        input_type: coil
     - name: "logoinput"
       write_type: coil
       slave: 1
       address: 0 # for v0.0