Sig Energy System Integration

I having a sig energy battery system being installed and would like to know if anyone has started any work on this integration with home assistant?


Me too - getting one soon. If no work has been done by then I’ll create one.

Got my Sigenergy installed last week. I’m new to Home Assistant. Looking forward to having the system integrated in the dashboard!


The Modbus integration is great. I’m making a HA card to replicate the app but using the modbus local sensors.


I am following this documentation, however I am slightly lost, what IP address do you put down? I have my Sig Energy inverter connected to home network, can see WLAN connectivity on the app, however, I cannot see the device itself on the router or over thee Advanced IP Scanner. Where did you find the IP of the inverter for modbus to connect to?

The installer can see the IP address. Pity it isn’t in the user app.

If you can see the router clients, check all MAC addresses and see which one starts with bc:31:98:

Thank you for sending this across.
I deployed this yesterday and tried to connect my system but none of the data values are coming across. It’s over WIFI at the moment, but I’ll get a cable to the inverter and see if that fixes it. any comments would be appreciated?

I set this up a while ago and it works well. You do need to get modbus enabled by your installer and the settings mine had matched the screenshot on the prerequisites. I followed the instructions that were in the link above and all worked well. I am also using Wi-Fi, would prefer the LAN cable connected but for some reason my installer did not install that and was reluctant to fit it.

This is a BRILLIANT integration!
Anyone had any luck with replicating the ‘Go Off Grid’ mode you can use in the app through modbus?
Trying to stop the system sending excess solar that is not used in the house to the grid when feed in tarifs are in the negative and the battery is full?

I can see registers for limiting how much solar is produced but I want to it react to how much energy the house is consuming. Just thought there might be something simple to replicate the ‘Go Off Grid’ mode

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Has anyone figured out if you can control the battery?

I was looking into using this along with amber but control myself

My exact use case and I am getting little to no response from Sigenergy

If it helps, reponse on github from the creator of the integration is below. It helps but I have not had time to give his idea a go yet to see if it works

Hi there!

This integration is towards the Modbus protocol as published by Sigenergy. I haven’t seen anything like this yet. If they release it, I will implement it.
You could do an automation that changes the maximum produced solar to be just under the consumption. Another automation to activate the former when prices are negative and battery is > 99% and disable when battery is <95%.

Hope this helps.

Had a post on the AU Sigenergy FB group that the admin would not approve about modbus.
I reckon it has to do with Sigenergy recently signing with Amber and they want customers to use the virtual power plant and Amber’s smart shift. Everything I read about smart shift is not good hence why I want to do it through home assistant

With that being said, I do have Homeassistant setup with this integration into modbus server. It reads amber pricing and will change the mode from self consume to discharge when pricing goes above a threshold and the battery is X% SOC. Turns off when prices drop or bat SOC falls below X%

Could u help with what how you make the card?

I wanted to do on another system too

So I take it from the comments that provided you know the IP address, you can locally access these invertors and get usage data etc?

I am looking at an invertor with no battery, a Sigen Hybrid Inverter. It lists a ethernet port so I assume that it will be compatible? There is also a reference to a WLAN connection, is this Wifi?


Good evening every,

so i just got my sig energy installed inverter and battery installed, asked the installer for active mod bus they did on port 502. i added every thing from the integration to HA but to no avail… i don’t get any info in my HA

wen i test the inverter with a Modbus tester i can connect over UDP but get a connection time out ?

has anny one had this issue ?

All working great here. My system is being controlled by amber (real time pricing retailer), does anyone know if modbus reports when the PV is in export curtailment?

Thank you for this - great work.

I have installed in Homeassistant and have read about its reliance on Modbus. Do we need to install the Modbus Homeassistant add-in, in order to run this integration or is it stand-alone?


I have answered my own question! No. This integration works without installing the HA Modbus Integration.

This integration is great - connected without problems.

I do have a question though.

I have 2 Sigenergy inverters with 2 batteries on each. 2 PV strings. I have the integration connected to one of the Inverter IP addresses.

Both inverters (obviously) have seperate IP addresses, both are on TCP Port 502 and both have the Modbus slave ID 1.

How does the integration work - will it only provide the info for the inverter with the specified IP address or does it collate all information and present it as one system?

I am primerily interested in battery state, generation, usage and grid export.
