SignalRGB Integration

I created a new integration for SignalRGB so that you can control your RGBeez from HASS! With this integration, your system will become a light entity in HASS allowing you to control effects from automations. Vote for this API feature request if you want more features!

It’s not on HACS yet, but you can follow along with the README and add it as a custom repository.

Coming soon: A custom Lovelace widget for the integration

Sponsor the project here: Sponsor @hyperb1iss on GitHub Sponsors · GitHub :purple_heart:

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Amazing work! I’m an OpenRGB user, but have been waiting for an HA integration before considering the move to SignalRGB.

I’ve just installed SignalRGB and have started configuring the integration. On the readme, it says to enable the SignalRGB API, but I cannot find the options in SignalRGB’s settings. Is this a PRO-only feature?

To answer my own question, a SignalRGB Pro subscription is required.

is there a way to unlink and link my wled via home assistant automation?

I cannot for the life of me figure out where to enable the API in signal rgb? i am on the newest beta, 2.3.109-beta i have pro… cannot find the setting anywhere!

it is auto-enabled once you update to the beta. You just have to add the integration and it should just work.

Got it working now, thank you! :slight_smile:
@hyperb1iss, really great work on this - it functions very well already while being in a beta state.

1 request i would have is, is there anyway to have a solid color that you can then use a RGB/CCT light in HA? right now it only reports the colors of BG and FG as attributes, would be great if when its solid it would report it like a normal rgb light.