Silvercrest / Lidl Smarthome

Is it possible to use the Lidl Gateway without the Lidl/Tuya app? For example with ZHA/z2m. (Basically to use it locally without any external sever)

Discussed above and the answer is not unless a developer hacks the Lidl/Tuya gateway and also creates a third-party firmware for the Lidl/Tuya gateway that which in turn could, for example, run a serial TCP server, etc. to then be able to remotely share and access UART to Zigbee coordinator SoC.

It would be a lot of work bit it is not impossible for a developer to code such third-party firmware for it.

Instead of posting about that there I suggest that you create a new thread to solely discuss “hacking the Tuya Zigbee gateway / Lidl Zigbee gateway with third-party firmware” as that is really a whole separate discussion.

OpenLumi is doing something similar with an OpenWRT fork the Xiaomi/Aquara Zigbee bridge:

Zigbee2Tasmota (Tasmota sub-project) done something similar with Sonoff ZBBridge Zigbee bridge

ESPHome for Sonoff Zigbee Bridge is an alternative for serial-to-IP stream to ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT

Both those specific projects are however for different chip than what is in that Tuya / Lidl gateway.

Regardless I think third-party firmware discussion for the Lidl/Tuya gateway is off-topic for this thread.

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Anyone here that has an idĂ©a how to get Lidl’s Silvercrest WiFi ceramic fan heater into Home Assistant?
Would be very nice to get support for that one!

Swedish page so use translate if you doesn’t understand swedish.


I think that is unrelated to this specific thread discussion as it uses WiFi and not Zigbee.

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But the topic is Silvercrest / Lidl smarthome and this fan is a part of that, just not zigbee but Wifi, still uses the Lidl Smart home app so i guess if someone builds an integration to the app this fan will be in that to.

Otherwise a moderator can move the post. :slight_smile:

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the silvercrest gateway ist an Tuyatec gateway
 works with smart life and tuya smart etc

Where more precisely do you add this code?

Here to confirm that lidl zigbee bulb e14 socket works well with Sonoff Zbbridge running tasmota 9.1.0.
Can change colors, dim etc.
Only thing I’m missing is the effects/color loops

Do you get the option to select effects for theese bulbs? Because I don’t

Anyone in the UK found the extension lead in store? I searched 3 local stores, they had everything but the lead

I’ve managed to get one in the morning, they had 3-4 more (Warrington).

Just found this thread. I should have posed this question here! Thanks

Got one here too, looks a nice unit.
EDIT: comes up as unsupported in Z2M. I can’t add it manually either as I’m using docker on a read only file system :frowning:

That is your opinin, however I think that you will have a much greater chance of create a new seperate thread that will soley discuss that Silvercrest WiFi fan as discussion here so far is all about Zigbee.

Hey I’ve created a PR for the UK one based on your changes. Couldn’t figure out how to do it on the master, I couldn’t see anything for the HG06338 in devices.js :thinking:

EDIT: I think github was playing up or something! Anyway, turns out someone had already put in a PR and it’s now in dev branch.

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In case it can help somebody: just got 2 E14 color bulb, working flawlessly with rpi 3b+, conbee 2 and deconz integration.

I’m also struggling with this wifi fan. Please keep me updated if you find anything.

Has anyone managed to get some effects working from ZHA integration with theese zigbee bulbs?

The easiest way I found out is to add the fan to the Tuya app from your phone and create an automation in the app.

For example, turn on fan automation and then a turn off automation.

Add an integration for the Tuya in Home Assistant and it should appear there and it’ll be good to go.

This way i can at least remote control the fan from Home Assistant and for now it’ll do the trick.

Gonna dig deeper later on and keep an eye out for a better integration.

This is a kind of workaround for now.

Hope it helps.

I would like to know this as well.
Effects are not working for me
 It just flashes one time and that is it.