How can I get network signal of a SIM800L?
How can I get network signal of a SIM800L?
Your question is not very clear. Do you mean current network signal strength ? AT+CSQ.
The GSM signal strength… I’m using esphome, how can I send AT commands to SIM800L?
I’m kind of newbie in ESPHome…
The CSQ command gives you the signal RSSI as an index into a dBm equivalent table. This linearly maps to what is usually shown as bars on your phone, only more precise.
I didn’t notice that this was in the ESPhome part. I have no clue if and how that is available, sorry, I know nothing about ESPHome. I do have a SIM800L though
I understand that and AT commands. But don’t know how to use it inside esphome…
I also thought that there was already an sensor for that like the wifi signal…
But i only find the very basic like send and receive sms and make calls…
Use one of the uart components.
I am newbie on esphome. Can you please give me an example?
If i use uart component i cannot use sim800l component …
The basics i want to send/receive sms. I just want to have an entity on home assistant with the GSM signal strength…
Is there a way to add that to sim800l component?