Simon IO and Z-Wave compatibility

Hi guys!

I hope someone can help me with this.

I have a bunch of Simon IO switches that use the Z-Wave protocol at home. They all worked pretty well until I had to replace some with new ones. New devices have a newer software/firmware version and are not detected with the same settings in Home Assistant.

The old ones have the following Z-Wave settings in “Z-Wave JS UI” after conducting the interview:

  • Multilevel switch v3
  • Center scene v3
  • Manufacturer specific v2
  • Version v2
  • Configuration

And the new ones:

  • Binary Switch v2
  • V4 multilevel switch
  • Configuration v4
  • Manufacturer specific v2
  • Version v3

As you can see, it appears that the new switches are being detected as binary switches rather than “core scene” configured switches.

I don’t know much about Z-Wave so I don’t know if there is anything I can do to solve this mess.

Can anyone give me some guidance or advice please?

Thank you.

The first place I look when I want to learn about a devices capabilities is the Z-Wave Alliance Product Page. This is the official catalogue of all Z-Wave certified devices. If you go to the catalogue and search for your device then click VIEW COMMAND CLASSES you will be taken to a page like the following and it will tell you all the command classes your device is supposed to support. Also I don’t understand the problem you are having. What are the model numbers of the devices? And can you not turn the switches on and off?