Simple alarm for monitoring pool equipment?

I have Home Assistant, Smart Things, Konnected, Hayward Omnipool, and ESP Home (and a little Hubitat too). I’m learning and experimenting with ESP Home as of late (quite enjoyable). I’m looking to learn more on ESP Home by adding a monitor for my physical pool equipment and a landscape lighting controller.

I plan to add a simple PIR/motion sensor and tamper switch in addition to 4 relays with a wifi ESP at the pool equipment pad. I’ve already got the sensors worked out and code working on both dev board and an integrated ESP with 4 onboard relays. I could try to integrate the Konnected yaml but have instead written from scratch.

My question… what’s the best way to approach the tamper and or motion aspects. I’m just reading on Alarmo. Do I need a state machine to latch the motion or tamper detction? I don’t necessarily want a full on code to deactivate the alarm, loud alarm noise (just a notification on tamper or motion is fine), maybe an auto-reset after 5m detection. Happy for some ideas.

Is your pool equipment in a shed?

PIRs will false trigger in changing sunlight outdoors.

If you only want a notification then all you need is an automation. Trigger on movement/tamper and send a message in the actions.

Alarmo seems a bit overblown for this application but sure you could use that.

In either case, no you do not need to latch the motion/tamper binary sensors.

Good thoughts @tom_l . It’ will be outside, uncovered. Mostly shade side of the house. Great thought about the sun. I need a waterproof, weather proof PIR option. I’d be able to hang it under my Hayward Omnipool controller, but don’t want one of the “large” ones if avoidable (visibility and concealment issues)

too big