Simple automation not working - "turn_on cannot be called without entity_id"

Hey guys, a bit puzzled with a simple automation I am trying to do through the automation interface.

The trigger is sunset, and the action is as follows:

In my configuration.yalm I have the following:

    name: Lights on at Sunset
      - light.dining_room
      - light.dining_room_chan
      - light.hue_window_left
      - light.hue_window_middle
      - light.hue_window_right

yet I get the following error:

homeassistant/turn_on cannot be called without entity_id

What am I doing wrong here?

That group config is invalid, it’s missing the entities key (which you can skip if that’s the only key you’re using, but you’re using the name key)

    name: Lights on at Sunset
      - light.dining_room
      - light.dining_room_chan
      - light.hue_window_left
      - light.hue_window_middle
      - light.hue_window_right

doh, well that was stupid of me. Thanks, it’s working now!

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