Simple automation runs but light does not turn on

I have a Woox bulb that I have integrated to HA Green via the Tuya integration.
The bulb is working just fine just outside my front door. I have a simple button on my Home dashboard that corretly turns the bulb on/off and can adjust the brightness.
So the integration is seemingly working fine.

I wanted to create an automation for the bulb to turn on automatically as it starts to get dark outside in the evenings.
for several days now, the automation has triggered as expected and run without error, yet the bulb is not on.

I am at a loss for how to figure out why the light does not turn on because everything I’ve looked at in HA so far shows that everything worked as HA expected.

Here is my automation YAML (though I have used the GUI to build it):

description: ""
  # Trigger when the sun is low
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sun.sun
    attribute: elevation
    below: 2
  # Make sure the trigger is due to the sun being low in the evening rather than morning
  - condition: time
    after: "14:00:00"
  # Make sure the light doesn't keep trying to turn on through the night (I want another automation to turn it off at 23:00)
  - condition: time
    before: "23:00:00"
  # Turn the light on
  - service: light.turn_on
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
      device_id: 5739ba4372a4bc7ec14e6cd928100ca6
mode: single

Trace timeline from the last trigger (yesterday evening) is:

Traces logs from the same run are

The two conditions are shown to be evaluated with result: true.

The action step Traces Step Details are:

Executed: 4 August 2024 at 20:54:52
 domain: light
 service: turn_on
 service_data: {}
     - 5739ba4372a4bc7ec14e6cd928100ca6
running_script: false

Step Config looks like:

service: light.turn_on
metadata: {}
data: {}
  device_id: 5739ba4372a4bc7ec14e6cd928100ca6

Changed variables looks like:

  parent_id: 01J4FFB0X048B23G2YRA81RKWD
  user_id: null

As a test this evening I have disabled the “Light” Action, and instead added a “Device” Action that should do the same thing :crossed_fingers: .

Can anyone see any rookie mistake(s) that I have made?

There may be a communications problem between Home Assistant and the physical device. Automation is executed, turn_on command is sent, command isn’t received, light’s state remains unchanged.

Looks like the change from"Light" action to “Device” action has changed something enough that the light is now turned on when the automation triggered this evening.

Not clear why the “Light” action did not work previously.

Both Device Action and Service Call use your physical light’s integration (TuYa) to control it.