Hello there, i was thinking that what i was looking for easily could be found on the internet. But after spending hours searching and trying i gave up. It might be my “not being smart enough for this” which resulted in not getting it work.
I have energy dashboard working (with a P1 meter) and can see my solar panels, gas and electric power. Really nice. I can also see what it all costs. Even with the 2 different tarrifs of electricity.
I also have some shelly plug S plugs which measure electric power. What i want to see is how much electricity my heather used that day when looking in Home assistant.
Just a graph or meter is fine. It doesn’t have to be shown on the energy dashboard.
I can do that with adding a helper “utility meter” and set it to daily. That way i can make a meter which shows the kwH i used already that day.
But i also want to see how much Euro’s that costs. Just one Tarrif is fine to start with. For some reason i can.t get this work. By the way i only use the gui when doing all. As i have no experience in editing it in yaml.
How do i get this simple thing working? Help is appreciated.