Simple garage open Notifier

I think I’m making a basic error here - Im trying to get a message if my garage door is left open but I get an error Check: automation->trigger->0->state_topic. Can anyone please advise. Heres my entry.

>   - alias: Notify apps when the garage door opens
>     trigger:
>       platform: mqtt
>       state_topic: "RFBridge/tele/RESULT"
>       name: 'garage_door1'
>       from: 'closed'
>       to: 'open'
>       for: ‘0:5:00’
>     action:
>       service: notify.mobile_app_device_tracker.gm1913
>       data:
>         message: "The garage has been left open"
>         data:
>           image:
>           actions:
>             - action: "switch.garageopener" # The key you are sending for the event
>               title: "Close Garage Door" # The button title
>   - alias: Close the garage when notification action is tapped
>     trigger:
>       platform: event
>       event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
>       event_data:
>         action: close_garage
>     action:
>       service: switch.turn_on
>       entity_id: switch.garageopener

Isn’t there a typing error here? (character ` instead of ’ )?

I changed that but it made no difference.
I copied that code from an example:

Why not just us an alert?

I see “smart” quotes there, which are a problem.

I’ll try the alert. See how I get on.
Appreciate advice