Simple Handling of Excess Solar Power

My summertime excess power is in the range of 100 to 400 W, and my grid provider tariff does not reimburse. A dedicated storage battery solution is in my setting (700 W peak) economically not sound.

I measure my grid return power with 10 sec time resolution, with an accuracy of up to 1 W. Therefore, I was looking for simple solution involving heating and battery loading:

  1. Use dishwasher and washer preferably at peak excess periods. A wall mounted display in the kitchen allows an assesment:

  2. Install automated switches that turn on if excess thresholds are met:
    • USB chargers for tablets and cell phone batteries
    • Notebook chargers
    • Electrical devices with a fitting power consumption, like Slow Cookers (100 or 200W), or Heating Blankets ( ca. 100W).

The slow cooker is used to prepare food or heat 1-3 l of household water and turned out to be very helpful. The following screenshot shows the slow cooker approach:
Screenshot 2023-07-25 161356

Battery loading can often be completed during excess times. In addition, the automations look for low battery levels to maintain an operational battery level.

Assessment: A week in July: Considering solar energy, backflow to the grid is 20%, while 80% is used locally.

Further candidates are freezers, which could be set to cool down below minimum temperature in advance (not implemented).


I like this idea of turning on electric loads when production is more than consumption :slight_smile: Fortunatly where I am we have 1:1 net metering so this is not a worry for me yet. Eventually when I have build up a bank of power (in form of credit on bill) I may look at doing something similar to use up the excess.

Thanks for sharing your experiences!
I’m always looking for easy (i.e. switchable with a relay) ways to spend the last couple of hundred Watts. Do you have a link to the slow cookers you use, or what they are called in German :grinning:?

Look for “Schongarer” or “Slow Cooker”. I bought a simple (no electronic), used, 3.5 l for ca. 35€.