Simple Historic and real time Internet Traffic from SNMP (dd-wrt)

Hi there!

I just want a simple historical graphic and a real time indicator of my inbound / outbound bps readings out of an AP with dd-wrt with snmp.

I know nothing about yaml and a bit of coding so right now it is a trial and error approach with a 100% error rate.

I am able to “get” the info properly and this is how I see it:

console>snmputil get .
Variable = interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.7
Value = Counter32 1117057065

console>snmputil get .
Variable = interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifOutOctets.7
Value = Counter32 3622501640

sensors are set this way…

  - platform: snmp
    name: heavendoor_snmp-wan-in
    host: !secret fwhost
    community: !secret heavendoor_snmp-community
    baseoid: .
    default_value: 0
    accept_errors: true
    version: 2c
    unit_of_measurement: bps
    scan_interval: 15

  - platform: snmp
    name: heavendoor_snmp-wan-out
    host: !secret fwhost
    community: !secret heavendoor_snmp-community
    baseoid: .
    default_value: 0
    accept_errors: true
    version: 2c
    unit_of_measurement: bps
    scan_interval: 15

I basically followed the instructions here:

But the automation is failing.

Automation looks like this:

alias: Internet Bandwidth
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: /15
condition: []
  - parallel:
      - service: input_number.set_value
        entity_id: input_number.inbound_memory
          value: "{{ states('sensor.heavendoor_snmp_wan_in') | float | round(2) }}"
      - service: input_number.set_value
        entity_id: input_number.outbound_memory
          value: "{{ states('sensor.heavendoor_snmp_wan_out') | float | round(2) }}"
      - delay:
          hours: 0
          minutes: 0
          seconds: 1
          milliseconds: 0
      - service: input_number.set_value
        entity_id: input_number.inbound_bandwidth
          value: >-
            {{ ((( (states('sensor.heavendoor_snmp_wan_in') | float | round(2)) -
            (states('input_number.inbound_memory') | float | round(2))) * 8 *
            1000) / (15*1000000000)) | float | round(2) }}
      - service: input_number.set_value
        entity_id: input_number.outbound_bandwidth
          value: >-
            {{ ((( (states('sensor.heavendoor_snmp_wan_out') | float | round(2)) -
            (states('input_number.outbound_memory') | float | round(2))) * 8 *
            1000) / (15*1000000000)) | float | round(2) }}
mode: single

… but it fails reading:

Error rendering data template: ValueError: Template error: float got invalid input ‘unknown’ when rendering template ‘{{ ((( (states(‘sensor.heavendoor_snmp_wan_in’) | float | round(2)) - (states(‘input_number.inbound_memory’) | float | round(2))) * 8 * 1000) / (15*1000000000)) | float | round(2) }}’ but no default was specified

I think that that snmp sensor is not returning a proper value (or any value at all) and that’s why it considers the input as unkown…

Any help would be greatly appreciated! In fact, if there is a an easier way of getting a traffic history out of dd-wrt feel free to comment!


I’m stuck at the same bit as you. Did you manage to get it resolved?

Unfortunately no.

One thing I’ve noticed is that the dd-wrt counter is 32 bits and placing “version: 2c” might make HA to wait for a 64bit counter… but commenting out the “version: 2c” line did nothing.

I 've also noticed that while at startup, it stops about a minute waiting for snmp…

My plan B was to install ntop (add-on) and make dd-wrt report to it, but it appears that the ntop add-on waits for netflow version 9 and dd-wrt is sending version 5…

So for me atm no internet bandwith counters :frowning: