Simple live stream camera not working

I’ve created a simple live stream camera and form my tests the still images are working but I can’t get the stream to work.

The camera I’m trying to set up is a Dlink DCS-932LB and I used this web site to retrieve the required URL .

In configuration I typed in

  - platform: generic
    name: InsideCamera
    still_image_url: http://192.168.###.###/image/jpeg.cgi
    stream_source: http://192.168.###.###/video.cgi?resolution=VGA
    username: admin
    password: !secret dlink_password
    authentication: basic 
    verify_ssl: false

upon restarting HA I added a simple card to Lovelace and could see a still picture, however if I try to stream all I get is a popup box and a circle rotating it, I never get a picture.

I thought I woudl remove the username/password option out of the configuration and place them directly in the url, again the still image would work but not the live feed.

To confirm the url was correct I used VLC and pasted the version with the username and password in it, VLC played the stream with no issues.

Any idea where need to look or change?

Love it when you can’t find an answer then find it quickly after a post :slight_smile:

Answer is I’m using the wrong type of platform, in my case it should be mjpeg and change stream_source to mjpeg_source.

  - platform: mjpeg
    name: InsideCamera
    username: admin
    password: !secret dlink_password
    authentication: basic 
    verify_ssl: false
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