Simple RGB Scenes not working

Hello guys,
I´m trying to debug 2 simple scenes with an led strip (tuya), that I think were working months ago. They´re supposed just to change to blue and orange.

  - name: office schrank orange
        state: on
        transition: 4
        brightness_pct: 100
        rgb_color: [255,48,0]
  - name: office schrank blau
        state: on
        transition: 4
        brightness_pct: 100
        rgb_color: [0,0,255]

I´m calling them from a button-card, the action looks the same for orange and blue

  action: call-service
  service: scene.turn_on
    entity_id: scene.office_schrank_blau
type: 'custom:button-card'

Funny thing is, I get 2 different error messages, although the code is the same for both colors?!

When executing the “blue” scene, I´ll get:

"Error calling scene/turn_on Int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not ´NoneType’

When executing the "orange scene, I´ll get:

" Error calling scene/turn_on. None for dictionary value @ Data[´rgb_color´]

Is there something in my code not working that way (anymore)?

Transition has been deprecated a few versions ago. You now need to specify the transition in the service call, see the docs for more info. This might be your issue.
Also, I think you can’t set brightness and rgb_color at the same time.

I just tried it with a non Tuya strip (I only have 2 of them), and they´re working as they should.
I remember there were some issues with RGB bulbs and strips from tuya at the end of the year, seems they are still present.

Damn, I should get rid of these tuya things…If it would only be that simple flashing strips with tasmota like the plugs without soldering. :roll_eyes: