Simple Scheduler Addon

I will think about that…

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Add-on version: 2.0.40
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 9.4 (amd64 / qemux86-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2022.12.8
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2022.11.2

The log appears to be in white letters cuz its blank on the page by when I selected the text I saw it. And the options in the GUI is great but again in dark mode, hard to see.

You’re absolutely right.
My mistake… I never use dark mode… (I hate dark mode :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I only made it because many users asked for it…)
BTW, fixed in 2.0.41

Have you tried the clone button? Does it work?

Thanks for fixing dark mode, I use it on everything lol.

Duplicate button worked great! Thanks so much.
Another enhancement thought. Now that I duplicated the schedule I want to swap it to a daily instead of weekly. If type can be a pull down instead of a different button maybe we could switch back and forth.

Question: when choosing to run an automation you shouldn’t need to set an end time or an interval right? I just want it to trigger the automation backup and midnight.

Cannot be done. Every kind of scheduler has a different file structure.

Yes, you only need the ON action

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I’m trying to test MQTT integration but I have a problem, I enabled MQTT in config, restarted
Screenshot 2022-12-27 alle 16.25.56
but is still disabled
Screenshot 2022-12-27 alle 16.28.02
any suggestion?

It is very unlikely that it won’t start if all the parameters are correct.
Are you sure that your settings are right?
Have you checked the addon log?
Have you checked the MQTT broker log?

I found the issue, i edited from backend (addon sertings, editi in yaml). If I configure from frontend works

@ArthurDent1975 I found another strange thing, potentially an issue:
I have a switch (shelly device) to open a gate configured as “aut-off” after 1, 2 seconds, that is activated on morning from your great addon :slight_smile:

but I see in log that is frequently/sequentially activated so I found gate closed/open randomly

could be possible that you check if your schedule is working fine and if fail retry command? if yes could be a problem (for me)

That is definitively the cause. Just set in the options max retry to zero

I will try… the answer tomorrow :slight_smile:

Another question: I’ve justed updated system (core), after restart the MQTT entities aren’t availables.

I need to restart addon in order to have them available again, but state is unknown, I need to manually set them

I think that MQTT announce message o similar is needed

Next beta release will fix both

Would it be possible to add a condition within the scheduler. Eg I would like to schedule my air conditioner to turn on if a certain condition is met during the time I have scheduled it eg I am present in the house.


After recently updating to 0.65 SSA would not start anymore. I tried to downgrade to 0.64 but the links are only to 0.65. I restored a backup but still no joy. Removed the 0.65 repo and added the 2.041 Beta and it still will not start. Here are my logs.

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc…exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms…exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes…
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts…
[cont-init.d] executing…

Add-on: Simple Scheduler
Simple timer on weekly base

Add-on version: 2.0.41
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 9.4 (armv7 / raspberrypi4)
Home Assistant Core: 2022.12.8
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2022.12.1

Please, share the above information when looking for help
or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.

[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] executing…
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[10:12:36] INFO: Starting service.d [Interface]
[10:12:36] INFO: Starting service.d [Scheduler]
[10:12:36] INFO: Running
[10:12:36] INFO: Running

Edit: It turns out that non of my Add-ons will show running even though the logs say they are.

Indeed the log shows that the addon is running. Try to enable the “show in sidebar” and call it from there

I have it added to the sidebar but it says this when I try to open. " Simple Scheduler Add-on is not running. Please start it first". When I click start the dot stays red, but logs say it is running.

Sorry, no clue…
It looks like there is something wrong with HA, tho…

I suggest you ti disabile schedule via MQTT in “same condition” and re-enable them when needed, for example on my work building if Is 00:01 about holiday I disable schedule, at 23:59 reenabke them
You can try similar

Version 2.0.45 BETA

  • Fix MQTT unknown state
  • Added “Do not retry” flag in schedulers
  • Avoid queuing for retry of some domains (script, scene, etc) where the returned state is always (or most likely) off.
  • Improvement of “Max Retry” option: valid values are 0 to 5 , where 0 means disabled. Also fallback to 3 in case of an invalid entry.