Simple Scheduler Addon

Confident there are no “Strange” entities (happy to send through to you to check) in there.

Are you familiar with curl, Postman, or any other software to execute an HTTP GET request?

Sure - I have managed to pull all the entities into a file if that helps?

Like jreidel who posted on Jan 18, my HA backups for Simple Scheduler are huge, over 150MB. I am currently running 2.1. Unlike him, mine have always been huge, even back on version 0.32. A backup that includes all parts of my HA system other than Simple Schedule is under 10MB. A backup of just Simple Scheduler is 168MB.

I dug into the file, and it looks like the entire simpleschedular.tar file within the backup.tar file is a Docker image.tar with 7 layers, plus a little 2kb addon.json file. Is this expected? I really only care about backing up my config and preference data for the addon, and from what I can tell, that’s stored in share.tar.gz.

Any suggestions for how to make my full backups small again?


@waynez sorry for late response

You should call a GET:
with header:
content-type: application/json, Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>
and send me the returned JSON, via private message


This is a Home Assistant behavior, not from the addon.
Basically, if an addon (any addon, not just this one) uses docker images, they are saved along with the configuration. That’s because in case of restore, you need to have also the exact image you pull during the setup.
(if you are familiar with docker, if you declare to pull “latest” you could not have the same image through different installations)

I checked one of my smaller backups where I did a partial backup and checked everything other than Simple Scheduler (total size 6.7MB), and I see that it still includes the share/simplescheduler folder, which appears to have all my timer configurations and options. So it looks like I should be able to just do my backups that way.

I guess my next test will be to remove the Simple Scheduler add-on, re-install it, and restore from my backup that includes the share folder but not the SimpleScheduler docker stuff. Should that work?

I ran my test. My conclusion is that my partial backup with Simple Scheduler turned off is sufficient.

Here’s what I did:

  1. Make a screenshot of my schedules (I only have a few) in case I need to manually restore
  2. Do a partial backup of everything except Simple Scheduler - the file is 6.9MB
  3. Uninstall Simple Scheduler
  4. Do a full backup - the file is 6.9MB
  5. Install the latest version of Simple Scheduler (2.11; previously I had 2.1)
  6. Start it
    At this point I expected to have to restore my backup to see my schedules, but I was surprised to see that they were still there. I dug into the full backup and saw that it still containted the share/simplescheduler folder with my schedule and option config files, despite my having uninstalled the Simple Scheduler add-on.
  7. To make sure a restore would not mess up, I restored everything from the partial backup that did not include Simple Scheduler. Everything still worked.

My conclusion is that I can safely do partial backups with Simple Scheduler turned off, and as long as my backup includes the shared folder, I have everything I need to restore my schedules.


Glad you solved it.
I just never thought this could be a problem…
This is my backup:

coming back to simple scheduler after a long break. I want simple scheduler to invoke a script. Scipts can have parameters. Is there a way to pass a parameter to a script invocation by simple scheduler

Sorry, it is not possible. The HA APIs don’t expose the ability to do that. The only parameter accepted is the name of the script
You can see yourself in
developer tools > service > script.turn_on

Hello, I want to ask, what is the use of MQTT actually for?

And where is the storage area for MQTT?

Thank you in advance

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After updating from 0.31, the web interface does not start, this is in the log.

My MQTT addon EMQX.

Where should I set the MQTT data? I think that might be the problem.

Can I add time with seconds? Something like sunset +1:30 or even much simpler 21:30:30 ( half past nine and 30 seconds)?

Thank you

When you update from a very old version, you can have this kind of issues, because I move the configuration in the frontend.
Usually the way to solve is to uninstall, reboot the whole HA PC/rasp, and then reinstall
(the reboot clean plenty of cache, including conf files and docker images)

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No, you can’t.
Every scheduler is executed at 00 seconds. The whole engine is based on this.

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I’d really love to see more detailed/versatile control for repeating frequency, for example, every N minutes/hours/days/weeks/months

Thank you for answering me.

Please could you add support for humidifiers using the internal HA generic_hygrostat integration? It’s similar to the climate integration and would need on/off and setting humidity value instead of temperature.

Please, open an issue on GitHub. Put [feature request] in the title.
In September, after the holidays, I will start working on all the requests.