Simple Scheduler Addon


  • Fix the “permission denied” issue
  • Sortable Columns
  • Added status bar with scheduler engine status
  • Added “debug option” to see all the error messages
  • various bugfixes/improvements

Also, there is a hidden feature: clicking in a secret place, you can open the engine log in a modal window, instead of browsing the shared folder. I can’t tell you where, because it is a hidden secret feature :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Note: this release has modifications in CSS and JS files, so it could happen that your browser would keep using the cached files. If you see something strange or something missing, just force the reload of the page (CTRL+F5) or empty the cache.

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Good day, dont forget us plain docker mortals :grinning:

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is there a way to set a “retry count”? unfortunately the automatic does not always work. i had to set a higher interval in schedy so that all switches and lights react

This setting tells Schedy how often it should try sending a
value to the actor. If the actor reports the set value back, no
further retry is made. You may find this useful if the connection
between Home Assistant and your actor is unreliable. Set to 0 in
order to disable retrying entirely.
send_retries: 10
How many seconds to wait before retrying.
send_retry_interval: 30

Mmmhhh… Actually there isn’t.
You could add a check in the automation after a “wait” condition to be sure that the command was executed succesfully.


Any idea why it is picking up different time zone to execute the schedules ?

It takes the timezone from HA.
Have you set the timezone in HA → Settings → General ?

Somehow the time is wrong. It must have happened with one of the latest releases. It’s always one hour behind. Schedy is at the right time. For example „Sofalampe“ is defined to switch on at 6am. In reality it switches on at 7am.

Could the ‘one-hour’ difference be due to Daylight Saving Time? It came into effect this past Sunday.

In other words, it’s not adjusting the scheduled times to compensate for DST.

I’ve found the issue.
Update to 0.15 and let me know

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Perfect! Thank you, it’s working again! :slight_smile:

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Hi. i´m really new in HA. Could you please tell me, how i can add SimpleScheduler in homeassistant manually? I´m not using I´ve installed HACS but i coulnd add your repository manually to it.

You can’t. This is an ‘Add-on’ which is only available in Home Assistant (previously called HassIO)

I suggest installing Home Assistant rather than just Home Assistant Core. You will definitely appreciate the upgrade

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i added a scedule to turn on my lights. After removing one schedule, it keeps turning on my lights.
so i removed all scheduled (from the UI) but one of the lights is turned on every weekday on 07.00.

where should i look to remove this?
is there a file somewhere that saves a schedule that the UI did not remove??

i’m using a Raspberry PI with Home Assistant Core 0.107.5

UPDATE: The problem is not in the addon. it was my old fault. i forgot i had some scenes running in the original eWelink app off my sonoff switches… sry !!

Addon works perfectly.

Every schedule is a JSON file stored in the “share/simplescheduler” folder under the SAMBA share


I continue to love it. It should be standard in HASSIO, actually strange that after so many years they did not implement it.

Thanks a lot again


I’d like to schedule a light on 30 minutes after sunset. i have tried “sunset + 30” but didn’t work there is something to do this setting?

No, offsets are not supported.
But you can workaround:

Create a script with your desired offset and then call the script at sunset from SimpleScheduler

      - delay:
          minutes: 30  # supports seconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours
      - service: switch.turn_on
          entity_id: switch.my_switch_name
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.my_light_name
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Hi Arthur,
Thanks for the reply but i have already an automation to handle this situation and i think at moment i’ll keep these setting. do you think It is possible to add the offset into future release?


No, not at the moment.
Adding offset requires a major modification in code.

Agreed, This should really be absorbed into the wider HomeAssistant. It’s amazing.

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