Simple Speaker Selector Switch

Looking for some guidance here for my very simple Speaker Selector setup. I have a Speaker Selector that can turn on/off my in ceiling speaker pairs via a very straight forward REST API. When you query the Speaker Selector with a GET, then you get the following response:

  "spkr_00": "off",
  "spkr_01": "off",
  "spkr_02": "off",
  "spkr_03": "off"

You can run a POST with any combination of the speakers above, with the same JSON format:


{ "spkr_00": "on" }

So, I decided to create REST API “Switches” in HA for each of the active speaker pairs. The configuration.yaml looks like this:

switch speakers:
- platform: rest
  name: "Living Room Speakers"
  body_on: '{"spkr_00": "on"}'
  body_off: '{"spkr_00": "off"}'
  is_on_template: "{{ value_json.spkr_00 == 'on' }}"
    Content-Type: application/json
  verify_ssl: false
- platform: rest
  name: "Kitchen Speakers"
  body_on: '{"spkr_01": "on"}'
  body_off: '{"spkr_01": "off"}'
  is_on_template: "{{ value_json.spkr_01 == 'on' }}"
    Content-Type: application/json
  verify_ssl: false
- platform: rest
  name: "Dining Room Speakers"
  body_on: '{"spkr_02": "on"}'
  body_off: '{"spkr_02": "off"}'
  is_on_template: "{{ value_json.spkr_02 == 'on' }}"
    Content-Type: application/json
  verify_ssl: false

This seems to work just fine. I can setup the toggles in the UI and I can even ask Google Assistant to turn on / off the Dining Room Speakers which is super amazing.

My question is, can this be done in a simpler way with all of the switches in one entity? I can see three separate API calls going to the speaker selector, every 30 seconds - just to get the status. It seems like it should be able to do just one API call, and get all of the switch states. But maybe I’m over-complicating something that already works fine.

Thanks in advance!!

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can we see the hardware like the idea

You can avoid multiple calls by configuring like this RESTful - Home Assistant

Sure! It’s version 3.0 of my speaker select project, which I have evolved to use a custom PCB. However it still needs plenty of refinement, it is working pretty well in my home.

I wanted to put some pictures here, but unfortunately I’m limited because I’m a new user. :frowning:

There is a web interface, physical button front panel, and IR input if you want to use a remote control. On the old version, I had an API that was working with IFTTT (and Google Assistant), but after IFTTT started going subscription, I stopped using that. However, I realized I could just use a similar API for Home Assistant and get the functionality back!

Oh, BTW, I noticed you are a Kiwi and wanted to say “so am I”!! Except I moved to the states as a child and have only been back once in 2006.

Thank you @nickrout!! I’ll have to experiment with this today. It looks like this article is for sensors, will it also work with switches?

For example, does this look about right for my setup?

  - resource:
      - name: "Living Room Speakers"
        body_on: '{"spkr_00": "on"}'
        body_off: '{"spkr_00": "off"}'
        is_on_template: "{{ value_json.spkr_00 == 'on' }}"
          Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: false
      - name: "Kitchen Speakers"
        body_on: '{"spkr_01": "on"}'
        body_off: '{"spkr_01": "off"}'
        is_on_template: "{{ value_json.spkr_01 == 'on' }}"
          Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: false
      - name: "Dining Room Speakers"
        body_on: '{"spkr_02": "on"}'
        body_off: '{"spkr_02": "off"}'
        is_on_template: "{{ value_json.spkr_02 == 'on' }}"
          Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: false

You’re right. And I don’t know if it works for a switch.

Yeah, I tried the above and it doesn’t seem to like it. It gets hung up on the “switch:” line and complains about duplicate definitions.