Simple Switch to Turn On / Off the Screen of a Linux Machine you can ssh into

Just a simple switch I use for my Raspberry Pi Touchscreen dashboard. Should work on most *nixes I guess.

- platform: command_line
      command_on: ssh pi@[Pi IP] 'export DISPLAY=:0 && xset dpms force on'
      command_off: ssh pi@[Pi IP] 'export DISPLAY=:0 && xset dpms force off'
      command_state: ssh pi@[Pi IP] 'export DISPLAY=:0 && xset -q | grep "Monitor is" | cut -c14-17' | grep "On" > /dev/null

In the first instance, the switch may not recognise the current state of the screen, when the switch is toggled once it will behave normally from then on.


For mine, I had to do use these commands, specific to my screen’s GPIO driver, but working without Xorg:

Turn off: sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/class/backlight/fb_ili9320/bl_power"
Turn on: sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/fb_ili9320/bl_power"
Read current status: exit $(cat /sys/class/backlight/fb_ili9320/bl_power)

(The first two need root access)

Note that you can simplify your commands: you don’t need to export the DISPLAY variable, but you can directly declare it in your xset call: export DISPLAY=:0 && xset dpms force on can be replaced by DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force on.

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It might be my Pi touchscreen, but the command won’t work for me without the ‘&&’.

These commands do work remote (SSH), however i’m looking for a solution in a (local) Python script on my RPi.
I have a script running that toggles the screen ON / OFF by the state of a GPIO pin that is connected to a sensor.
The thing is, i can’t get around this error: xset: unable to open display ":0"