The simplest way IMAO to setup a Telegram Bot was:
FYI: I’m using Android.
- Install app on smart phone.
- Start a chat (click pencil icon buttom right).
- Search for BotFather
- Clicks on START (buttom of screen), you will get a reply with options.
- Click on /newbot
- Follow replies from BotFather
- choose a name (xxxxx)
- choose a username (xxxxx_bot)
- Copy your token from BotFather reply.
- Start a new chat as in step 2 above.
- Search for IDBot
- Clicks on START (buttom of screen), you will get a reply with options.
- Click on /getid
- Copy your ID from IDBot reply.
- Setup / Config Telgram in HASS from >
"To enable Telegram notifications in your installation, add the following to your " - Done.