Simple Thermostat causes blank overview with HA 8.x

I’ve been using simple thermostat (HACS Front End) for months and it worked up to HA 7.4. When I installed HA 8.0 (and now 8.1), the overview was blank. Removing simple thermostat fixed the blank overview.

Note: I am running HA under Bullseye so it’s not officially supported, but I don’t think this problem is due to the version of Debian. If I have time, I’ll confirm that the problem exists on Debian 10.

Try again. Your version numbers are nonsensical for Home Assistant.

Current version is 2021.8.0. There never has been versions 7.4, 8.0, or 8.1

Seriously? You couldn’t figure out that I just left out the obvious 2021 in front of the versions?

Not when 2021.8.1 does not exist, no.

There is an 8.1 check your supervisor. I run simple thermostat, it’s still working for me.

Newest Version

Mike…have you rebooted HA and cleared your browser cache? I though it worked fine until I did those two things…and then overview became blank.

Release Notes are outdated then. ( at least when I posted before this)

Yes I did it’s working. Have you checked the actual thermostat entity? My honeywell every so often after an update needs to re authorized and simple therm will be blank.

A known problem. the honeywell integration on 2021.8.x only sees one thermostat. If you have two or more, they aren’t found and no climate.xxxx state is defined for them…leading to problems like I experienced.