Simple to set up dashboard for

Hello friends,

I have long been thinking of wallmounting an old android tablet i have to display a dashboard for HA. I looked at HAdashboard but it seems like it will take quite some time to understand it and set it up. Since i recently became a father i dont have much time for that kind of stuff, is there any alternative for that is easier to set up?

I would like to use it with something like Wallpanel that will use the camera to detect motion and turn the tablet screen on. I plan to display sensors, cameras and some switches.


Home Assistant Control Panel is about as simple as it gets:

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Looks great, thank you!

installing the hassio addon, should be done very easy.
after that you can have setup your first dashboard in a few minutes.
drzzz did make a video about it showing how to setup fast

LOL @ReneTode is our house HADashboard guru guy so that is easy for him to say…

But he is right, HADashboard is pretty simple to set up, and easy to tweak. Very controllable. It really hits the sweet spot.

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