Simple Toggles to Disable LEDs on RPi under System Hardware Menu

While’s there’s lots of advice out there for installing SSH (which I have done, with a Key) and amending either the config files under sys/class/leds, or accessing mnt/boot/config.txt (either directly or on an SD Card in WIndows), unless there is a security concern about folks wanting to simply turn off the PWR and ACT LEDs (i.e. the Power or Activity on the Ethernet Port), surely it must be possible to put a toggle under the System/Hardware setting to enable and disable these?

While I am able to dig around in the file system, I am sure many do not wish to do this, so for someone who just wants them off or on, please, please, please consider this as a function or Addon. Thank you.

e.g. on a RPi 3 or 4

e.g. on a Rock4 C+


Home Assistant deliberately removed gpio control ages ago.

Oh; was there a specific reason for that?

Raspberry Pi GPIO's deprecated? start here and enjoy the rabbit holes :slight_smile:

Although when I look at it, this LEDs may not be controlled by GPIOs.


Thanks for that. Yes, it appears to just be controlled by a couple of simple software switches in the config.txt file located in /mnt/boot/.

That’s why I say that surely implementing that in HA as a toggle on or off is totally doable (although I don’t personally have that very special set of skills…).

Raspberry Pi 3B

# Turn off Power LED
# Turn off Activity LED
# Turn off Ethernet ACT LED
# Turn off Ethernet LNK LED

Raspberry Pi 4B

# Turn off Power LED
# Turn off Activity LED
# Turn off Ethernet ACT LED
# Turn off Ethernet LNK LED

OTOH I understand black nail varnish works well.

:laughing: OK… got me there…but it’s less reversible…