Simple Turn on a lamp

I have the following code to turn a lamp on at a specific time. What is wrong? It doesn’t work

  • id: ‘1534069992885’
    alias: Kväll
    • at: ‘12:40:00’
      platform: time
    • condition: state
      entity_id: group.vardagsrum
      state: ‘{}’
    • service: switch.turn_on

Yes! I’m a newbie :smiley:

id: ‘1534069992885’
alias: Kväll
    - platform: time
      at: ‘12:40:00’
    - service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: group.vardagsrum

that group has to be all switches or you could use homeassitant.turn_on

i didnt notice the smart quotes on your id … should be '

That’s the syntax I thought it should look like. Don’t know why I didn’t get that working. Now it switches fine! :smiley: