Simple UI for making backups of Add-ons



It appears that the ability to perform a backup prior to updating an Add-on will be restored in the next version of Home Assistant (2025.02.0).

Therefore what I have created below becomes far less useful. Feel free to examine it and borrow its code for your own purposes. However, it’s unlikely I will continue to update or maintain it.

Simple application for making backups of Add-ons

If you normally make a backup of an Add-on before upgrading it, you might be interested in the following application that simplifies the process. 1

1. Create Template entities

Create the following Template Select and Trigger-based Template Sensor entities. The select entity will automatically populate itself with the names of add_ons associated with the Supervisor integration.

select.add_ons, sensor.add_ons_selection
  - trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: custom_add_ons_selection
      - name: Add Ons Selection
        unique_id: custom_add_ons_selection_helper
        state: "{{ }}"

  - select:
      - name: "Add Ons"
        state: "{{ states('sensor.add_ons_selection') }}"
        options: >
          {% set x = integration_entities('Supervisor')
            | select('match', 'update')
            | reject('match', 'update\.home_assistant')
            | list %}
          {% set z = zip(x | map('device_attr', 'name') | list,
            x | map('device_attr', 'name_by_user') | list) | list %}
          {{ (z | select('contains', none) | map(attribute=0) | list
            + z | reject('contains', none) | map(attribute=1) | list)
            | sort }}
          - event: custom_add_ons_selection
              value: "{{ option }}"

2. Create script

Create the following script.

    alias: Backup Add On
    description: Backup selected add-on
    mode: single
      - variables:
          id: "{{ device_id(states('select.add_ons')) }}"
      - if: "{{ id is not none }}"
          - variables:
              add_on: "{{ (device_attr(id, 'identifiers') | list)[0][1] }}"
              label: >
                  {{ "addon_{}_{}_{}".format(
                    (device_attr(id, 'identifiers') | list)[0][1],
                    device_attr(id, 'sw_version'),
                    (now() | string)[:-13]) }}
          - action: hassio.backup_partial
              homeassistant_exclude_database: true
              compressed: true
              addons: "{{ add_on }}"
              name: "{{ label }}"
          - action: notify.persistent_notification
              title: Invalid Add-On Selection
              message: The selected add-on does not exist.

3. Create cards

Create the UI with an Entities Card and a Button Card. The following example puts the two cards within a Vertical Stack card but you’re free to arrange them in whatever way you prefer.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - entity: select.add_ons
  - show_name: true
    show_icon: false
    type: button
      action: toggle
    entity: script.backup_add_on


To backup an Add-on, select the desired Add-on from select.add_ons then click the “Backup Add On” button. The resulting backup will be labeled in this format:

addon_a0d7b954_nodered_18.1.1_2025-01-09 10:07:55

Please be advised that I have not yet tested this in version 2025.1.X. You shouldn’t encounter any problems but if you do, I won’t be able to fix them until the end of January (when I plan to upgrade to 2025.1.X).


  1. As of version 2025.1.1, the backup toggle button has been removed from the Update panel. It eliminates the convenience of optionally creating a backup of the Add-on prior to upgrading it. The current alternative is to use hassio.backup_partial (in a script or in Developer Tools → Actions).


2025-01-15 Supports renamed Add-ons.
The Template Select in the initial version listed each Add-on’s default name. If the user changed the Add-on’s name, it wasn’t shown in the Template Select. As a consequence, the script failed to find the Add-on (because it searched using the default name).
In this version, the Template Select lists an Add-on’s modified name (if the user modified it, otherwise it shows the default name).


seems to be working fine on 2025.1.1…backing up anyway (haven’t tried a restore)…thanks Taras!

update - just to add that I backed up Mosquitto broker (core-mosquitto) with this prior to a pending update both as FYI and in light of comments below

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Really appreciate this, but I’ve run into a couple of issues which I can’t code around.

  • The options template for the select rejects any addons with ‘Home Assistant’ in the name, such as the ‘NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy

  • I’ve stumbled on an apparent anomaly in translating device attribute name from the select, to device attribute id in the script (all tested in Dev Tools). For example, the device_attr function returns File editor with a lowercase e for the name attribute for the ‘File editor’ addon. But the device_id function only returns a value from the string File Editor with an uppercase E. I have other addons like this, such as ‘chrony’. On the other hand, with the NGINX addon mentioned above, the device_id function works with NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy (lowercase p on ‘proxy’), but not NGINX Home Assistant SSL Proxy (with uppercase P on ‘Proxy’). Baffled!

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That’s by design to prevent Supervisor and Core from appearing in the select entity.

Each Add-on has a corresponding update entity. The template selects all update entities then rejects all containing the string home-assistant. This serves to suppress the display of Supervisor and Core.

To suppress them yet allow displaying other Add-ons (containing home_assistant), change the second line in the template to this:

| reject('match', 'update\.home_assistant')

It rejects any update entity whose object_id begins with home_assistant.

On the other hand, if you want to display Supervisor and Core, simply remove the entire line containing the reject filter.

I have the File editor Add-on but, on my system (2024.12.5), I cannot replicate the anomaly you encountered.

device_attr() reports its name as ‘File editor’.

This returns a valid alphanumeric string.

{{ device_id('File editor') }}

This returns None

{{ device_id('File Editor') }}

I will examine the issue again after I upgrade (in a few weeks).

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Thanks so much for the tweak to the select template, works perfectly!

On the other issue, I’ve been looking further into this, and digging around core.device_registry. It seems that the anomalous Add-ons have an attribute name_by_user, which in my case for the File editor Add-on is set to File Editor. This is obvously self-inflicted, as I must have renamed it via Settings > Devices. It seems the device_id function looks for this first, but its value is null if not set.

Is there a neat way to rewrite the select options template such that it takes the device’s name_by_user attribute where it exists, but defaults to the name attribute? I could only find a way using a {% for %} loop and a namespace, which seems a lot less elegant. Otherwise, I shall just rename the Add-ons back - must have been an especially nitpicky day when I did this.

I have never renamed any of my Add-ons so hadn’t considered the possibility it might cause a potential problem for the conversion from an Add-on’s (user modified) name to its device_id.

So if name_by_user has a string value, it supercedes the existing name attribute. As a result, device_attr( 'ABC123', 'name') returns a string that fails to be usable with device_id() which only works with the Add-on’s actual name value and not name_by_user.

One might conclude that device_id is at fault because it ought to work correctly with either name or name_by_user.

Please post the template you created.

Sure, no problem:

{%- set addon_list =
  | select('match', 'update')
  | reject('match', 'update\.home_assistant')
  | sort | list
{%- set addon_name_filtered_list = namespace(value=[]) %}
{%- for addon in addon_list %}
  {%- if device_attr(addon, 'name_by_user') != None %}
    {%- set addon_name_filtered_list.value = addon_name_filtered_list.value + [device_attr(addon, 'name_by_user')] %}
  {%- else %}
    {%- set addon_name_filtered_list.value = addon_name_filtered_list.value + [device_attr(addon, 'name')] %}
  {%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{{ addon_name_filtered_list.value }}

Can you tell me how you are renaming the Add-on?

Here’s the test I performed:

  1. I installed a new Add-on call “Git pull”.
  2. I didn’t configure it.
  3. I restarted Home Assistant.
  4. The template reported “Git pull” in its list.
  5. I located “Git pull” in Settings → Devices & Services → Devices and renamed it to “Git Puller” and allowed it to rename all 6 associated entities.
  6. I restarted Home Assistant.
  7. The template still reports “Git pull” in its list (not “Git Puller”).
  8. The Add-on’s associated entities do contain git_puller in their entity_id.
  9. I reconfirmed that in Settings → Devices & Services → Devices, it’s displayed as “Git Puller”.

All this to say that, after renaming, I can’t replicate the anomaly you reported. Perhaps my test is flawed?

What do these return in Developer Tools?

{{ device_id("Git pull") }}

{{ device_id("Git Puller") }}

Maybe I’m just hallucinating?!

Well now that’s the additional step I missed in my testing procedure!

The device_id for “Git pull” is None whereas it’s an alphanumeric string for “Git Puller”.

So the template reports the Add-on’s original name (not its user-modified name) but device_id fails to work with the original name (succeeds with the modified name).

Based on this peculiar behavior, ideally the template should contain an Add-on’s user-modified name, but only if it exists.

Yeah, that requirement complicates the template.

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Wherever you have the time, I would appreciate it if you could test the following on your system. It should produce a list of Add-on names. Any Add-on’s name that has been modified will have its modified name displayed (as opposed to its original name).

It works on my system but I need confirmation it produces correct data on yours (before I incorporate it into the Template Select).

{% set x = integration_entities('Supervisor')
  | select('match', 'update')
  | reject('match', 'update\.home_assistant')
  | list %}
{% set y = x | map('device_attr', 'name') | list %}
{% set z = x | map('device_attr', 'name_by_user') | list %}
{{ (zip(y,z) | select('contains', none) | map(attribute=0) | list
  + zip(y,z) | reject('contains', none) | map(attribute=1) | list)
  | sort

I’ve tested that on 2025.1.2 after editing the name of an Add-on via Devices (didn’t even know you could change their names :sunglasses:)…it works fine returning all the add-ons I have but showing the new/edited name for those changed

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Thanks for testing it.

Can you try this streamlined version?

{% set x = integration_entities('Supervisor')
  | select('match', 'update')
  | reject('match', 'update\.home_assistant')
  | list %}

{% set z = zip(x | map('device_attr', 'name') | list,
  x | map('device_attr', 'name_by_user') | list) | list %}

{{ (z | select('contains', none) | map(attribute=0) | list
  + z | reject('contains', none) | map(attribute=1) | list)
  | sort

If it works correctly then that’s what will be used in the Template Select.

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Yes, I can confirm this works for me as well, and each returned value maps correctly with the device_id function.

The zip function is a new one on me, learnt something here - many thanks!

EDIT: and the streamlined version too btw

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It’s my first time finding a use for zip(). It’s also the first time I have found a need for map(attribute=0) which selects the zeroth element of a tuple.

Thanks for confirming both versions work. I’ll use the second one to update the Template Select.


know you’ve already confirmation on the streamlined version but just to doubly acknowledge that it’s working fine here too

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Works great - thank you @123 !

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