Simple way to Fade on/off

Hello - I have LED lighting that is using the Tuya cloud integration. I have the basics setup in HA and it’s working fine.
However now I would like to customize some of the settings in my automations. Especially the temp, brightness, and the ability to fad on/off to whatever brightness I select.

Below are the attributes I guess available to me via developer tools (never really used this feature within HA). The service light.turn_on has several options to set color temp so do the attributes below make it obvious which I should configure, or is it just trial-and-error?

Also - how can I fad on/off vs. just instant on/off?

min_color_temp_kelvin: 2000
max_color_temp_kelvin: 6535
min_mireds: 153
max_mireds: 500
supported_color_modes: brightness, color_temp, hs
color_mode: color_temp
brightness: 64
color_temp_kelvin: 3703
color_temp: 270
hs_color: 26.994, 40.533
rgb_color: 255, 198, 151
xy_color: 0.44, 0.371
entity_id: light.kitchen_led_l, light.smart_wi_fi_lighting_2
icon: mdi:lightbulb-group
friendly_name: Kitchen Cabinet LED Lights
supported_features: 0

The light turn on (and off) service has a transition option which allows you to specify how long it takes for the change to occur. Not sure if all lights actually support this though.

Is that configurable via the automation gui, or using YAML directly?

Both. I don’t know the YAML syntax off-hand but it’s super-easy in the GUI.

Same goes for temperature and brightness.