With Arduinos if I just connect one leg of a button to ground (through a 10K resistor) and the other to a digital pin, I get a floating state/pin.
This doesn’t seem to happen with ESP boards? Any ideas why that might be?
Note I’m not talking about using internal pullups - I’m always using a 10K external pullup, but with an Arduino it seems the wiring of a button (even in the diagrams) is more complicated? This is borne out by my experience too. Floating pin with an Arduino, whereas with an ESP wired to the same principle I’d get a reliable state.
Well, I’m only using internal pull-ups for buttons, reed contacts and such with esp’s (82xx and 32’s) and never got any problems
If it works better don’t question why
Esp boards suffer from floating pins too. I’m not sure why you’d think they didn’t. Flash a board witha few gpio’s as a binary sensor and then go watch the log for the board as on/off values come pouring into it. A lot of components will have pullups built in so they can be wired straight to a microcontroller…maybe that’s why it didn’t seem like they float? I have no idea what you mean about wiring a button is more or less work on one than the other. It’s literally the same for both. Eveb if you wire it to be High or Low, its different but, still the same connections. Maybe post these 2 circuits or take a little time to sober up? Lol jk
I THINK what it is, is that the board I use, ESP32-POE, has a lot of pins that are wired to internal resistors you can’t disable, so they’ve worked as if I’d set input_mode: pullup
. So yeah just slightly confused me. I have since wired up the arduino how I used to wire it up years ago and it’s reliable.
Thanks. And yeah sobering up a good idea!
that could be the case. There are so many different development boards on the market and they’re all different. Some have extra Ground pins, some have fewer total pins available and how the pin numbers on the sides are mapped to the esp32 gpio’s can different. You really have to lookup the data sheet or a pinout of each type of board you have and verify. Most people don’t and they eventually all pay for it. The boards I use the most, I just print a copy of the pinout and tape it up at my workbench as a quick reference
I’ve printed out the graphical pin out for the board but it’s inaccurate. Pins showing as available are not, actually.
I’ve just figured out a few pins that are workable from trial and error.
That’s exactly what I was talking about. Its not inaccurate, you have the wrong one. There are different versions and different manufcturers, each with their own pinout map and more importantly which gpio’s go to which pin on the ethernet port and if those are wrong you’ll spend hours checking cables, router settings and configurations trying to troubleshoot it.
no, I have the right one, and it is inaccurate. Confirmed by many others and even eventually the manufacturer.
then if its confirmed to be wrong by the manufacturer, surely they put out an updated pinout with their public correction, so why are you still using THE WRONG ONE?
i’d love to see this statement by the manufacturer too. All the years i’ve been using esp boards i have never seen or heard of this but, people using the wrong manufacturers pinout, now that is very common.
I’ll get you started, in particular (but not exclusively) this post maybe. Happy reading!
a google search and a forum thread from 2 years ago do no equal “even claimed by the manufacturer” You made a claim that was completely not believable and I asked you to prove that claim. Sending me a google search and some 2 year old thread is meaningless. Like I said earlier, If the pinout your using DOESN"T match the board you have, YOU’RE USING THE WRONG ONE.