Simplified Mailbox Dashboard Indicator

I have sensors in the mailbox (top and bottom doors) and they would send notifications but I would like something that basically will just flip an indicator if either mailbox door is opened or closed (or changed at all) and that indicator would stay set the way it was until I reset it by tapping on it. Such as a switch that is turned on when triggered and stays thaty way until I tap it top turen it “off”. (In this day and age people have so many notifications on their phones that everything gets lost (or in my case that happens to me) so I prefer to have something simple on the dashboard. I can implement any additional goofy functionality that would be needed but how do I show a switch on lovelace_ui that isn’t actually tied to a physical switch?


I think a simple input_boolean could do this. Just make an “alert” input_boolean helper and make an automation to turn it on if there is a state change on one of your sensors, but don’t automate turning off. Then you can manually turn off (or via script/automation) once the alert has been “acknowledged”.

If you don’t like the default switch entity cards, you could use templating to set custom icons or the conditional card to only display something if the switch is on.

Let me know if you need any help with this.

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Thanks I will look into it and let you know!