Simplify the writing to modbus registers

Hello everyone,

I’d like to discuss a potential enhancement to the Home Assistant Modbus integration that, I believe, could significantly improve user experience and streamline the process of writing to Modbus registers.

Currently, the process involves using the Modbus service or creating scripts to modify data in Modbus devices. However, I propose a simplification where the integration takes care of handling the write operations when a specific register, its type, and read-write capability are specified in the configuration.

My suggestion is to make writing to the register as straightforward as modifying the corresponding entity value within Home Assistant. This change could greatly simplify the user interaction with Modbus registers, eliminating the need for additional scripts.

Additionally, it would be a nice touch to incorporate conversion options directly into the configuration. For instance, if a Modbus register contains values 1, 2, and 3, mapping to different modes, users should be able to define these conversions in YAML. This way, the entity in Home Assistant would display the converted values, adding a layer of flexibility and customization.

While I understand that the conversion feature might have a lower priority, I believe that simplified writing to registers is a must-have improvement. I’ve spoken to numerous individuals facing challenges with the current setup, and it seems like a logical step for active development on this integration.

I appreciate your time and consideration in addressing this matter. Let’s work together to enhance the Modbus integration and make Home Assistant even more user-friendly.