Simplistic configuration UI

Hi @danielperna84

just found this thread, thanks to @DavidFW1960, since I was looking for “Configurator Addon”.

I’ve opened an issue on the Github project page since it was not so easy to understand how it has changed from 2.1 to 3.0

Thanks to other user messages, most have been clarified.

Last think I haven’t got is if there is still a need for username and password or this is obsolete since everyone has the last part of the url that is different from each other.

Thanks for your work!

It uses a home assistant user for authentication so you don’t configure it anymore. It says that in the post I linked you to.

I’d like to add that this doesn’t work when HassOS isn’t updated to version 2.11. (Hassio -> System tab). I was on v1.13 and I didn’t know this could be and needed to be updated manually.
I had to click update manually and after that the ingress-badge was visible in the configurator plugin details, and the “open web ui”-button actually works. Before that, it direct me to about:blank#blocked.

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Correct, i was on 0.91.0 and wasn’t working, it was not possible to install if first time.

Then I updated on 0.91.2 and it’s working.

Don’t know if it is ok on 0.91.1

Thanks for the update!
Configurator works.
But only I did not manage to add the link to panel_iframe:
Has anyone got it?

Is it possible to have the Hassio add-on changelog updated with some of this so there’s a little more clarifying information? Not sure who manages that but it would probably help cut down some of these questions.

The HASS documentation is now out of date as well, but anyone can submit a PR to have that updated. I don’t mind trying to do that later today if nobody else gets to it first.

For panel_frame on Hassio:

  1. Install the add-on.
  2. Start with "OPEN WEB UI’ in its window.
  3. See the log.
    You can find like this:

"GET /api/listdir?path=. HTTP/1.1" 200 8386 ""

Copy the
This is the url.

If it is working then could be added to the Configurator documentation :wink:

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I must have missed something. Where was this ingress feature announced and/or where is it documented? All my searches just lead back to this one past saying that the add-on now supports it. I’d really like to learn more about how it works and how to integrate it into an add-on.

This might be perceived as ‘anal retentive’ (which is hyphenated when modifying a noun), but I placed the link in secrets.yaml.

Just to add that I found that after changing the iframe URL it is necessary to open use the Open Web UI link from the addon page on each device you use otherwise you will get a 401: Unauthorized error. After accessing the configurator it should work from the sidebar.

I can’t say anything… :open_mouth:


noun: anal-retentive

a person who is excessively orderly and fussy.

I did exactly as you wrote. But after copying this long address, a configuration error occurs.

    title: Configurator
    icon: mdi:wrench

can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed at line 87, column 93:
… pL88GMvlS-_MXQu0pcARb3KrYHkv7cM

If you ignore this and save the changes, then errors occur when checking the configuration.
Before the configurator’s address was updated, everything was in order.
If you comment out the link, there are no errors either.


You need the ‘url:’ tag ahead of the link.

For sure! My God, how could I forget about it.

So far the way with simply copying the long string and using that on the side panel seems to work even after reboots, didn’t do a long-time test yet tho.

Oh, thanx for explanation, I’m a Hungarian guy so I have to learn more and more :slight_smile:
In this case really anal-retentive that nobody say what we can do with this new version just it is here and eat if you can.
Anal-retentive like “zabszem van a seggében” but we use it for a person who very afraid. :smile:

Yes, I spent hours yesterday trying to fix the Configurator add-on in a installation. I thought I broke something in the process when I saw the default configuration appeared empty. Thankfully, I found this thread.

It sounds like the term “pucker factor” used by airplane pilots. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, I was just presented with “401: Unauthorized” when trying to use a static URL in the configuration.yaml file. I guess Ingress is doing it’s job; I had another active instance. Is this expected behavior?