Simplistic configuration UI

I’m having difficulty uploading configuration snapshot files. Downloading works fine. It seems to occur on .tar files. Is there some kind of restriction on this or any other type of file? Is anyone else having the same issue?

THANK YOU!!! The video didn’t explain this. I couldn’t stand the doubled Navigation Bars!

Open the configurator from the Open Web UI link in>Add Ons on that device first and then it should work from the sidebar. Not ideal but seems to be a workaround for now.

This works well for me.

title: Configurator
icon: mdi:wrench
url: ‘


you should remove or hide from your message the longpassword after hassio_ingress/

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Sorry. I am just a beginer for HA. Thanks.

this is awesome. anyway to make it work on stand alone docker installs?

I’ve noticed that the ingress authentication does not survive between system reboots and/or updates and it is necessary to reopen the configurator from the addon page after each of these per device

In my experience you have to reopen the configurator anytime you signed of from hassio

No. As far as I can tell the add-on relies on hassio-specific functionality that’s missing from regular Home Assistant installations. People had to upgrade their hassio-installation to get the new configurator working correctly. So hassio has something included that’s required for this type add-on inclusion.
Apart from that, there are users who want to stick to the old way of doing everything manually. So I believe keeping it the way it was for everything that’s not hassio is reasonable.

I have upgraded to the Configurator v0.3.5 add-on in a installation. The directory for configuration snapshots, which are located in the /backup directory, are not exposed in Configurator. Am I experiencing a problem with the installation, or is there a configuration option to see the directory? I have uploaded backup snapshots to this directory when I needed to revert to a stable configuration.

If I go one level up from the default configurator folder (config) I can see the /backup folder with the files in it.

My config looks like this, but I doubt this has any to do with that:

  "dirsfirst": true,
  "enforce_basepath": false

Thanks for the reply.

I’ve tried “dirsfirst”:true, but that didn’t change anything. I should say there is another directory, addons, I can’t see. But everything else is visible with identical permissions. Those I can see, I can upload and download files to them.

The situation is nothing I can’t handle as long as I can open SSH from my desk computer. I can move files to other directories as I need to. Hopefully, an update will eventually fix the issue. Otherwise, I can try a clean install of HA and the Configurator, and see what happens without any other customization.

Again, thanks for the input.

it’s the enforce basepath false you need - then you can navigate up to the right directory level. It won’t be ‘fixed’ because it’s not a problem. Make sure you restart the addon after making any changes.

Thanks, David.

The basepath is already set to false. As such, I can navigate to the / directory. The problem is the /backup and /addons directories are not exposed. All others in / (21 of them) are visible and accessible via Configurator.

Have you installed the add-on from my repository? If so, uninstall and reinstall it. Until recently the version in my repository didn’t map those additional directories. Rebuilding the add-on will change that and you should get access.

Perfect, at least for me. I still can’t see /addons, but I don’t need access to that directory.

Thanks, Daniel!

Only backup, config, share and ssl are being mapped. That’s the same like the version in the official repo does. Since I don’t use hassio: what’s the addons directory for? Is that the one where you can manually add local addons?

I’m not sure. At the moment, there’s nothing in the addons directory, but I only have Configurator and SSH installed as add-ons. Perhaps it’s a vestige of some earlier version of

FYI, I can see and access the HassOS directories (etc, usr, var, etc.), but I avoid those in fear of breaking the installation.

That addons directory will be empty unless there are local addons as Daniel suggested