Is it possible to use the states tab to force a device tracker to change zones to test the following automation?
I want to have a single automation that fires when the fubar device tracker enters or leaves a zone, but I don’t want to have to physically have that device tracker do that. Shouldn’t I be able to change the zone in the developer state tab for device_tracker.fubar_iphone and that will trigger this automation? It’s not working though.
- alias: Zone notify
- condition: state
entity_id: 'binary_sensor.allow_automation'
state: 'on'
platform: zone
entity_id: device_tracker.fubar_iphone
zone: zone.my_work
#event: enter
- service: script.conditional_notify
boolean: binary_sensor.report_zone
title: "Zone"
message: "xxx"
# message: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.event}} {{}}"