Simulating DPDT Rocker Switch with Reverse Polarity with Relays

My mistake. 5 relays. One lone relay to cut power to the 4-relay module. The 4-relay module handles swapping the polarity of the connection to the actuators. On one of the feeds, there’s a potentiometer to control the speed of one of the actuators as it’s a bit faster than the other and needs to be slowed down to match.

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5, wow.
Well I need only on/off with a short+9v/-9v signal.
I will try with a motor driver 🤷

That is insane! I’ve posted a new topic with question how to control a “simple” fan that has three speeds:
low, mid, high - each wire is dedicated to single speed, so I cannot have two or three lines powered at the same time. Ideally three state(+ off) rotary switch, but “smart” and digital.

I really, really don’t want to build standalone demultiplexer with ESP that turns off three relays, waits 10ms (or according to the relay datasheet) and then turn on only the needed relay.

Do you have a shortcut and ready to buy device that I might need just to compile/flash and use it with Home Assistant?

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I was searching for a dpdt relay but seems I have to build it :neutral_face:

No there are thousands of dpdt relays on the market. They may look and operate different than you’re use to but they exist.

They typically do not have signal wires, they open and close when power is supplied/ turned off. They also typically operate at 12-24 volt. So you would use the typical relay shown in this thread to control a 12-24v transformer.

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Late to this topic, but I used this polarity reversing scheme using only two SPDT relays, for my fireplace gas valve control.


Hi Mike, sorry, I meant dpdt relay boards with esp.

Thanks for your answer Fred but

my problem is that i have 3 latching solenoids to manage :pensive:

Hi guys, I’ found this interesting relay that can revert polarity.
The only problem with this is that is auto-locking.
As far as I understand with my poor electronic knowledge, this means that the output is always on (in a way or the other).
What should i search for to find something similar but not auto-locking? I need less the 1second output or the solenoid will burn. :thinking:

See in the wiring diagram where it says “power switch” - put a relay in there.

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:thinking: and another relay for the polarity trigger, so again I need 6 relay plus 3 of this kind to drive my 3 solenoids…

Or maybe one relay to drive all the polarity triggers and 3 relay to power each of them on

I’m really interested to open a rainbird sprinkler controller to see how did they managed :slightly_smiling_face:

The water controller I use is simply on or off. Maybe you need to rethink your solenoids?

I already had a DC transformer for the lights, I didn’t want to add another AC transformer. Moreover if I’m able to solve this issue, this could become a solar battery powered sprinkler system.

You late? LOL then I am super LATE. Yes your 2 SPDT relay setup is the same way motors have been controlled ever since relays and motors have existed.

Was going to suggest the same for the people who are looking into this.

Don’t really think that the person was talking directly to you.

But it sound like you could have used a motor shield/hat. As long as you don’t need the firing all at once and the are not more than 3 amps.

or a simple multi channel relay board.