Simultaneously turning on or off physical switch trigger hardware watchdog

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We have no idea what you are posting or what you are asking.

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As usual when diagnosing esphome; yaml, logs, circuit diagram.

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You just re-arranged the lines but the yaml block itself stayed exactly the same?

In theory that should influence the behavior about 0% because after compiling it should give the same result.

Are you sure you didn’t changed other things (by accident maybe)?

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I see. Best would be then to change things step by step or little by little and see if it makes a difference.

For example you could “role back” the changes you made (only changing the order of lines but keeping the content of the yaml the same) - then flash it and see if it makes a difference.

I would expect it to behave exactly the same like before - if not you might have found a bug that you then could report in the githubs a long with the exact steps how to reproduce that behauvior.

Still not posted.

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Do I get you right?:
When you flip one switch alone it just works.
When you flip both switches your ESP crashes often, which is reported by some kind of watchdog (which is not visible in your circuit diagram nor in your YAML).

If so then you surely are witnessing brown outs: Your ESP crashes because either:

  1. your two relays switch on and pull way to much power for the 3.3V regulator.
  2. your two relays switch off and create inductive voltage surges.

Solve 1. by adding a 47uF tantalum capacitor between GND and 3.3V. It’s best to add a second 47uF between GND and 5V.

Solve 2. by adding a flyback diode to each relay for surge protection.

And PLEASE, help us to help you:
Try to provide sufficient information on your problem so we don’t have to guess what you mean.

No, only partial yaml

Not a circuit diagram, but there is no gnd to the relay.

Logs are really obvious in esphome ui.


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Are you so stupid that you can’t read ? Simultaneously turning on or off physical switch trigger hardware watchdog - #11 by nickrout