Since_last_boot gone, now how to?

But this proves it’s right. Surely?

your yellow highlight row should be

- entity: sensor.count_automations

:woozy_face: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

That’s what you get for copy and pasting without thinking.


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I love how this thread has come to live and segwayed into something else.

Yeah… sorry my fault :wink:

I’ve got some nice buttons now though. (and learnt a bit more CSS/Javascript)

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impossible, it’s wizardry


I love this buttons!! But I can´t make it work… In the entity I put a sensor temperature, anything else? I get this error:


That’s not an error, that’s the code. You’ll have to screenshot the actual error.

I don´t undestand, nothing is displayed. I have modified the first part because in “config UI” I don’t know where to put the code “lovelace_gen”. Just tell me this:

Yeah, sorry. I can’t help with the UI editor. I’d need to see the full yaml code and an actual error associated with it. The rex box is not displaying and error. It’s displaying the code.

Ok, I’m going to take a closer look and tell you something. Congrats on your configuration!! Lovely!!

I’m just wondering…
Do your graphs show on the first time a tab is displayed?
I’m finding that they don’t until I go back to that tab a second time.

It seems to be repeatable. Pressing F5 makes the graph line disappear but going to a different tab and back again makes them reappear.

I just wondered if it was something you’d ever come across?

They do appear first time. I’m on a powerful system and a semi new phone though.

Mine’s not bad…

Hmmm… same system. What are you using for your DB?

Standard SQL Lite I’m afraid…
Could that make a difference?

Well that seems to be the difference between our setups. I use maria db on a separate server.

It just feels more like a frontend ‘issue’ to me.
Pressing F5 makes the lines disappear.
Simply navigating away to another tab and then back again makes them reappear.

I’m not losing too much sleep over this. It’s just a bit annoying…

Ok, so I just checked, and yes. I’m actually having the same issue. I was going off memory before. This must be new in .111

I’m still on .110