Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

Hello @ claudegel

I discovered your integration here: GitHub - claudegel/sinope-130: Neviweb custom component for Home Assistant to manage devices connected via a GT130 and wifi devices from Sinopé

I just installed the following HACS
Capture d’écran, le 2022-01-06 à 14.00.33

Then updated my configuration.YAML
Capture d’écran, le 2022-01-06 à 13.32.03

And my online NeviWeb gateway display my TH1300WF device:
Capture d’écran, le 2022-01-06 à 13.33.27

But I don’t see my thermostat anywhere in Home Asssistant.

What did I miss? What’t wrong?

Thanks for your help!


Hi @donparlor welcome to HA. You will find your device in development tool in the left side panel. Look for climate.neviweb130_climate_name_of_your_thermostat
Then you will have to create a climate card to display in the overview panel. For this, note the name of your device then go to overview panel and clic on the three vertical dot in the upper wright corner of the screen. this will show a menu. click on edit dashboard. then in the lower wright corner click on the blue button «add card».
Just choose a climate card and fill the information needed. mostly it is the name of your thermostat.
Have fun and feel free to ask any question for your devices

I guess something went wrong if this shows up:

Yes. but it is easy. first your thermostat is a wifi and you need to install neviweb130 custom_component.
neviweb custom_component is for the old Sinopé miwi devices. In hacs it is called «Sinope neviweb130»
Then in configuration yaml the network name is the one that appear in Neviweb top of the screen like thisnetwork

In your configuration .yaml add to the end the following lines:
for your custom_component it is neviweb130 not neviweb

  username: [email protected]
  password: Neviweb_password
  network: name listed on top like the picture above
  scan_interval: 360

This way the correct custom_component will load

  default: warning
    homeassistant.custom_components: debug
    custom_components.neviweb130: debug

Restart HA and look in your file home-assistant.log to find out what is the bug. Check line that contain neviweb130. You will see if the connection is done with neviweb and if your devices are listed

Wonderful! You’re a genius @claudegel !

I have done all your steps and I could finally see the entity in Development tools:

And I could also create a custom thermostat:
Capture d’écran, le 2022-01-06 à 17.14.10

Everything working!

Final question, does TH1300WF have any integrated temperature sensor that could generate a graph card? I guess it’s simply a thermostat and does not come with a temperature sensor…

Thank you for such a great integration! +++1

I’ll save yourself some time, I have found that you already explained how to create a temperature sensor with an entity before.

So I just created one and made a Mini-Graph-Card:
Capture d’écran, le 2022-01-06 à 17.49.03

It will update values over time, but I am thankful again for successfully integrating Sinopé to HA!


On your card if you click on the three dot in the upper right corner that will open a new window. In that click history and you will have a graph.
You can also add a template sensor for your thermostat like this.

- platform: template
        friendly_name: "Temperature room xxx"
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.neviweb130_climate_flextherm_flp55', 'heat_level') }}"

You can add this in your configuration.yaml or create a specific file like sensor.yaml and in that case just add this in your configuration.yaml
sensor: !include sensor.yaml
This way you can add all sensor you need in sensor.yaml.
Then add a history-graph card in lovelace. There are many you can use
temp graph

Es-tu francophone @claudegel ? Tes noms de pièces sonnent pas mal français :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Je vais regarder ton dernier commentaire après le souper, merci

I’m also a native french speaker, but for sake of this community, I’ll keep using english.

About history of the entity, there is none. I did setup my Garage’s Nest Thermostat Mini-graph-card yesterday, and the data is now populating:

Data from the Sinopé thermostat is just starting to update now:
Capture d’écran, le 2022-01-06 à 18.34.32

In your latest template suggestion, values are in % ???

unit_of_measurement: '%'

Is this a variable or a mistake?

My heating floor sensor graph has populated, now we can see the temperature pattern appear. Thanks again @claudegel

Hi, Is anyone using the Energy dashboard with the Sinope Thermostats and the switches (SP2600ZB) ? It seems that they are cumulating. I have resetted the counter not that long ago and it already shows 1636 kw which does not make sense. It looks like it is more 1636W. It has been running at 1400 or so watts for one hour… I know how to solve it by creating another entity to adjust it but has anyone noticed this problem ?



I’ve noticed the same thing through ZHA. The thermostat report accurate power consumption while the switches appear to be reporting Wh instead of kWh. I have not taken the time to try and resolve this yet, but maybe it’s as simple has using customization to change the units.

Let me know if that works, otherwise I’ll create a quirk for it when I get some days off.

I feel like I’d notice 500000 kWh on my hydro bill.

Hi @donparlor yes I’m french. But for everybody I’ll speak english. Sorry I made a mistake for my sensor I’ve copied a sensor to get the percentage of heating, heat level. You just need to change it like this:

        friendly_name: "Température cellier"
        unit_of_measurement: '°C'
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.neviweb130_climate_cellier', 'Temperature') }}"

If you just set your thermostat it will take few hours to populate the graph.

I’m using SP2600ZB and SP2610ZB on conbee II and ZHA and electrical measurement is in Wh.
But effectively I didn’t consume 68,443 KWh. There is no quirks for the SP2600ZB and SP2610ZB but maybe we should create one.

I’ll report it to Sinopé. They can probably add a /1000 in there code and make an update for the firmware. Meantime I’ll check if we can make a quirk for KHA
It is the same for the SP2610ZB
I need to call Hydro for a better price :slight_smile:
A quirk can also remove the Smartenergy_metering that is not available.

They must be doing the conversion directly in Neviweb if power usage is reported correctly on there.

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But why they do it correctly for thermostat but not for SP26xx devices?
I’ve sent an email to support. will let you know what they say

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Good news for neviweb custom_components. I found the Éco Sinopé signal for thermostats and load controller for peak period. Thanks to S. Tremblay that send me data for this.
For thermostats the signal come in when the pre-heating period start. I’ve set a new attribute eco_status that will be set to 1 for participating thermostats devices in Éco Sinopé.
For the load controller, as there is no pre-heating, the eco_status attribute is set to 1, 10 minutes before the peak period start.
Three attributes are set: eco_status, eco_power and eco_optout for thermostats. Only eco_status is set for load controler. I still need to go through another peak period to define correctly the eco_power attribute usage but it is not needed to set an automation that can fire all process for peak period.
For neviweb130 custom_components there is work in progress. Still need to test.

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Thanks for the reply, I knew something was off.

Wow, could this be a way to reliably trigger our Peak event trigger from Hydro ? I am in the process of implementing the scheduling inspired from your avis_hydro boolean input example but will do it with NodeRed… Have to do this since I moved all my Sinope thermostats to ZHA from my GT130…